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Model A1051 / 4 or 6 GB hard drive

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How do I replace the HD in an iPod 2G with Flash Memory?

I have both a 4GB and 6GB Gen 2 iPod Mini, one of which appears to have a dead drive. Whether or not that's so, I've heard of people installing 4-8-even 16GB Compact Flash cards (like the Shuffle uses) to replace the hard drives (articles on geektechniques.com and instructables.com).

With the price of 8GB CF cards as low as they are -- you can get a very high-end 8GB SanDisk Extreme III CF card that has 30MB/s sequential read/write speeds for around 50 bucks, and plain old "quick-enough" cards that size for under $20 -- it seems like a Good Thing, Martha.

Anybody have any experience with doing this? Problems? Joys? Any input greatly appreciated!



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How to turn your iPod mini into a flash based iPod

iPod Mini Remastered with 16 GB

Those should answer your questions :-)

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Very easy, provided the only problem is with the hard drive.

Check that your compact flash is formated in "Fat32"

(You will need a USB compact flash reader plugged into your PC to see this)

Check the pin orientation and install.

Perform a "Restore".

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bartbrn будет вечно благодарен.
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