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Dell Venue 8 Pro inverted x-axis touchscreen?

So I have a Dell venue 8 pro and I replaced the lcd, digi assembly. When I power it back on the touch is inverted on the x-axis. Is there a way to fix this I don't know if there was something specific I need to do to change it or what causes this?

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I have performed the exact same operation. My tablet came with a screen of type 099x23, and I installed a type MF47K. The touch input is now mirrored around the vertical axis.

Calibrating the screen results in totally useless configuration, with touches registered in completely wrong locations. Running the calibration program from command prompt directly with any number of self-designed patterns returns similarly ruined configurations.

Did you ever find a solution?


Oh my god I can’t believe it was all I had to do to get it back working again! Thank you very much guys you are awesome! I really appreciate your help!


I have the same problem help please


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Twee Twee's link is dead, so I've uploaded the drivers to my own OneDrive as a mirror: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5B...

It's also posted in the comments, but there are a lot, and it's hard to find.

This is a firmware update for the touchscreen driver, which provides the appropriate configuration and calibration.




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Much longer Sharing Link, because the short version appears to be dead now: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5B...

Good thing I'm still following the thread; this is definitely one of those resources that will eventually die from link rot, and then where will we be!?


could you repost the drivers that you have? the links dead and im in dire need of them!


Thank you so much this worked for me. It may not be clear to some people that you must run the bat file for both the TPK and Wintek. It certainly was not obvious to me but after running the TPK .bat it still was inverted. I then ran the Wintek.bat and now have a normally operating touch screen.


Thank you very much ben, your links still work and it allowed me to get my V8P working again :)


Thanks! It worked perfectly.


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Hi guys. With the help of some user with the same problem and my chinese friend, I got the necessary files, to invert the touchscreen. My touchscreen for the Dell Venue 8 Pro (T01D) is working again. In all directions :) The uploaded file you can find here:


I hope it helps. Cheers

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Dubious as I am of running executables off of file-sharing sites, especially those with references to firmware flashing and confidential information, I'll do it! What could go wrong? Mine is also a T01D, let's see what happens...


Oh, nice, this worked! I performed only the first step, running " !Reflash. " And then allowing the tablet to shut down. I edited the .bat to give me more than 3 seconds to read the result.

ALSO! I had to clear my calibration garbage first.


Would you mind uploading the files once more? I'm currently experiencing the same issue and it seems the download link has expired. Thanks in advance!


Here's a copy hosted on OneDrive. I've re-zipped the files, but I'm pretty sure it's not malware! This is a Microsoft link shortener, I swear! http://1drv.ms/1HykPHe


Benrockhold's provided link to the files worked for me - Thank You Sir! The file name is slightly different than what is listed in the PowerPoint instructions, but I was successful merely running FlashFW_Shutdown.bat from the ...TPK-THQA folder.


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Ok, at first I was a bit scared to use this method but also I was desperate, so I gave it a try and it worked perfectly! Thank you so much benrockhold for uploading files once more to OneDrive.

It helped a lot and my Venue 8 pro is working in normal way right now. :)

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Just found the solution amidst the comments. Not sure anyone frequents this page anymore, but benrockhold's comment on the "Most Helpful Answer" provided the solution. So, I will repost his comment:

"Oh, nice, this worked! I performed only the first step, running " !Reflash. " And then allowing the tablet to shut down. I edited the .bat to give me more than 3 seconds to read the result.

ALSO! I had to clear my calibration garbage first."

That last sentence was crucial for me as well! It didn't work without that! For just a bit more clarity though, once you open the folder he mentioned, just run the "1_FlashFW_Shutdown.bat" file. Once the tablet shuts down, boot it back up and it should work.

Thanks for the help guys!

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How do you clear the calibration trash?


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Thank you everyone, but especially @benrockhold for keeping the files up. I was losing my mind trying to fix this. I received a different screen, and the second reflash folder worked for me -the Wintek. To clear your calibration, you do a search for calibrate and then chose the option to clear calibration. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Two screens, and a lot of yelling later, I'm up and running. I created this account with a temporary email, so I probably won't remember how to log back in. I'll try to check back to see if anyone else has questions.

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Hello. Can someone help me, please? I have one big problem with my cello mt11632. My touch it is inverted and I cant fix it.

Please if someone help me! Please!


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This is next level. It worked after I flashed the tpk shoutdown flash bat.

Where does one even get these files from"? This is top secret.

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I know this is an old post, but today I replaced my Dell Venue8 touchscreen and the horizontal axis was reversed. I found this post, but the reflash batch files didnt work.

I however found another post here: http://mydspclub.com/forum.php?mod=viewt...

·        Y3J89- ASSY,LCD,8WXGA,IPS,TPK,AUO,BL = TPK -> load“Dell_Bailey8_TPK_Console_IAP_Ver_1.43.1.52-20140804(THQA)”

·        JWXFW- ASSY,LCD,8WXGA,IPS,WTK,CMI,BL = Wintek ->load “Dell_Bailey8_WTK_Console_IAP_Ver_1.43.1.52-20140804(THQA)”

The files needed for the 2 touchscreen types are hosted here: https://dell.box.com/s/nps3o7kxp7ns1zyx6...

My original screen was the JWXFW and the replacement I got was the Y3J89. After running the TPK version above, it updated the FW and my tablet is now as good as new!

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Thank you for posting. This addressed the issue for me. Unzip, opened command as admin. Run the firmware update (FW). Done! This was also the Y3J89 screen.

Results are below:

c:\temp\Dell_Bailey8_TPK_Console_IAP_Ver_1.43.1.52-20140804(THQA)> "One_Button_Update_FW(Retry_n_times).bat"


**************************** 1-th FW Update ***************************

ConsoleIAP ver.

Update chip ...351/351

[INFO] IAP Elapsed Time: 67937(ms)

SUCCESS (Success= 1, Failed= 0)

Delay 3s for ReK...

********************* Write Flash Key and ReK *********************

ConsoleIAP ver.

[INFO] ReK Elapsed Time: 2844(ms)


Press any key to continue . . .



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I just landed and I’m off work for couple days , just saw this post and when I had done my screen replacement I looked all over for a how to fix axis, I didn’t find any post until I worded my question differently and found this post. I’m not sure if a person could use the original firmware and flash that back to the venue 8 pro (5830) and have it repair the axis issue, since I’ve already done mine , maybe the next time I replace I’ll give that a shot. I had talked to a dell tech and he seem to think I had a different problem so they weren’t to helpful . I also posted a link to this post at dell forum in tablets to this post so that anyone else that has this issue finds this. I’m glad that the OP put this up for all the rest of us.

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@benrockhold could you post the link back up? its dead and have three tablets that need this to be fixed on.

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New link, let me know if it also fails: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5B...

I can't see why the old one died, the files were never moved, and the link works for me, as long as I am logged in... Microsoft probably changed something about sharing links.


thanks since I have se same problem after changing th touch screen - only 2 cuestions before using the files: is it for the Dell Venue 8 Pro 3845? how to know TPK or wintek? thanks again for your help


I just ran both. The TPK seems to work for others, but the Wintek worked for me.


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Do anyone else still have the files? Old links doesn't work anymore...

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In case you did not find the link in the comments: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5B...


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Before anything I thank him to keep this topic alive and that the files are still available. The tables is my brother but broke it full screen so we asked one by alliexpress slow to arrive. But I get. The problem is that the digitizer was not the same as the original (had a TOM80H12 and get a 5468W) worked with the problem described in this entry. So you perform both steps included in the presentation, the first I worked but already with the second, all is fixed. I am very grateful, and to create a profile to do so. A greeting from Mexico.

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Hello everybody

Sorry for the approximate translation (google translation)

First of all a big thank you to @benrockhold which gives us a solution that works for everyone.

Only I block but I do not know where.

I explain my procedure:

- I download the file

- I copy the file to the desktop

- I execute "1_FlashFW_Shutdown.bat"

From there it went out.

I turn it on again but the tactile is always reversed.

What should I do ?

What is "reflash.exe" for.

Thank you all for your help.

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I dropped my V8P and got screen ebay, 14 bucks great deal. I’ve been having same issue the horizontal axis is backwards . I haven't tried this yet I didn’t see the instructions in D/Ls on OneDrive, the link was still good and files are there. THANK YOU SO MUCH. If you need a touch lcd with frame get it from UET on ebay, they have worked with me cause I didn't keep settings at eBay up to date, they are great if you need parts for venue or anything else. They sold scree for $14.00 free ship, todays date 01/28/2020 , if someone has the info for flashing files be really nice to post the HOW TO. I’ll be back let all know and write how I did it.

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Ok I'm back and I flashed the file today and YES we have a winner, I made file on desktop and opened it up after I moved the REFLASH file there double clicked and double click the first file and clicked on reflash which says to extract files first wich I did then click the flash again and you see the CMD screen for a second then in that same folder clicked the shut down which also says to extract which I did it over writes some of the files then click the flash and it has the CMD screen going though files and then shuts down and yes the first reflash folder did the job for me on the horizontal axis, ,,, YOU get my vote THANK YOU FOR KEEPING THIS ALIVE, i DO HAVE A QUESTION AT THE DELL TABLET FORUM asking about this and no one had a clue. I will go back to Dell Forum and answer my own question and put a link to here...


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