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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это большая версия iPhone 6 с 5.5-дюймовый экраном.

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Where are the Liquid Contact Sensors located?

I just bought an iPhone 6 Plus that stopped powering on. I was told by an AppleCare that there are 3 Liquid Sensors in the phone (she could only reveal the one in the SIM area) and that two are inside the phone somewhere (no longer in the headphone jack). I see there is one on the upper front of the logic board, but can't find the third anywhere. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Actually Kevin, there are only 2 LCI's (Liquid Contact Sensors) in the iPhone 6 and 6+

On of them is visible from the outside. It's the one next to the SIM slot.

The second one is on the top of the mother board.

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I was told by a "teir 2" Verizon rep there are truely only two markers for water however they could tell if the phone had been opened or if someone had attempted to open it and they will still charge me $299 "damaged device fee" charged to me on my next bill but they would send a replacement for the $299 when the phone was malfunctioning because of a software issue not ever any actual water damage the contacts indicated water had come in contact with the phone ONLY AFTER A VERIZON VERIFIED STORE EMPLOYEE TOOK IT APART AND SPRAYED IT WITH CONTACT CLEANER !!! Wth now that's so wrong ANYONE WHO KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH THIS MESS FEEL FREE TO COMMENT !!!


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Actually the third is within the headphone jack.

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I got pink color on flashlight after dip in water-

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