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The Canon EOS 60D is a 18 MP DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera with an articulating LCD screen. The camera was released August 2010 and is identified by the EOS 60D printed on the front of the camera.

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How to replace the mirror?

any body got an idea on how to replace the mirror

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the mirror is part of the mirror box assembly. Part number CY3-1394-000


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You are talking about the reflex mirror inside the lens mount, correct?

This is a big job as its mounted onto a frame with a hinge pin. You'll need to take the entire camera apart. This is a very complex camera I would recommend finding a authorized Canon service center (or ship it to Canon) as they have the skills and the proper tools.

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lerenzo barr, like Dan said, it's a big job. The mirror is part of the mirror box assembly, part number CY3-1394-000. Go to the bottom of this page. Download the last file "Canon_EOS-D60" and follow all those steps to get to where you need to be.

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Lerenzo, did you manage to buy just the mirror?

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lerenzo barr будет вечно благодарен.
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