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The HP Chromebook 14 is a variant of the Google Chromebook line released September 11, 2013. Model number is 14-Q010DX.

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Why does my sound not work?

So today I went to turn on my chromebook, but the sound was not working. Any suggestions?

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Thx soo much the site fixed my sound! Love this site!!


OMG TYSM IT ACCTUALY WORKED YOU R A LIFE SAVOR!!!!!! im gonna rate it auwsome. i litterally came back in figure it worked and looked the same thing up again and made an account just to tell u thank u sooo much i was sooo scared..


My volume control does work to volume up or down. No control!

I get sound but no volume adjustment.


it did not work for my boy daylan


me too, new computer


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Try to shut down and go to settings press volume and mute it then shut down once more and turn it up it worked for me so good luck Bradon Nolen

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Genius! Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Thank you so much!!! I thought I had broken the sound, but no! I'm so happy!!


thank you so much you helped so much i thought i was going to die thank you once again


this doesn't work on my chromebook and I am not happy :(


I did it and I cant believe it worked i was so surprised thank you so much.


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No sound could be several things:

First: Check that the earphone/external plug is fully plugged in. Then go to the lower right hand corner, to the volume control and click on the arrow > and make sure that your device (headphones etc) is selected. If it just says input | output, make sure your Chromebook is charged. My audio buttons quit working and the volume bar stays to the left when my battery gets too low. Charge it up and then do a browser reset and a hard reset. (to do the browser reset, click the three bars in the upper right hand corner, go to settings>advanced settings >browser reset (at the bottom). Then hold the refresh button (looks like a circle with an arrow, usually the F3) and the power. This generally does the trick for me.

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Thank you. Holding down the refresh button and the power button did the trick for me. Thank you for your help. None of the other ones worked for me!


i have a chrome book


I also have a chrome book


I clicked yes by accident and I need help because I tried everything and it still won't work and btw i'm a kid


Worked for me. Thanks


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The same thing happened to me where my top row keys wouldn't function, including the volume and brightness keys. I tried the shut down process, and it didn't work. When I checked settings and went to keyboard, I realized I had pressed "Treat top-row keys as function keys." After I unchecked it, all the keys worked again.

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omg thank you this was the only one out of like 15 that worked


oml thank you so much for this! I checked settings and I didn't see the option "Treat top-row keys as function keys" and I got so annoyed but then I checked it again and saw the option. I said "Oml thank god." I am only 10 years old and I thought I broke my chromebook and my parents would have been so mad if I did, but thanks to you I realized I didn't. Thank you so much :)


yep my top row was set to function keys....which i still don't know how to use


Thanks so much...yep same thing happened to me...would never have figured it out without you. Thanks again!


My sound wont work and I dont wanna pay 400 for this computer. Its a chromebook and I mute and unmute but the sound wont work.


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If you are using a laptop computer with no external speakers connected, make sure the volume is turned up by using controls on the keyboard. They may buttons (as shown in the image to the right), or a secondary function of another key; generally indicated with blue text and activated by holding the Fn key at the same time.

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I had this same problem but am pretty sure I fixed it by pushing the M key which un mutes it

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I plugged in my earbuds, played my music for 5 or more seconds, paused, unplugged the earbuds and pressed play, it worked.

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Click on your settings. Next to the adjustable volume you might see a pair of earbuds. Click on the earbuds and go to the output section. Finally click speaker> i hope this helped ;)

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I am on a Chromebook it does not have a pair of headphones


I have a pair of headphones and I had to unplug it and It worked


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I have a Chromebook and i was logged in to my account and my sound was not working so I logged in as guest and it worked probably because I installed a chrome app that did that.

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My sound wasn’t working for me but it turns out my earbuds were broken. So I plugged in new earbuds and it worked great! If your sound isn’t working try different earbuds/headphones. I hope this helps!

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I had this problem to it could be a whole computer issue or could just be this. so use two fingers and click on the tab and then go down to under pin if it says unmute site then that the problem you just muted the site if it say mute site then sorry it’s something else

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