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Repair guides for displays (or monitors) for computers or other devices with video output.

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Dell 3007wfp Monitor starts flickering after a few minutes to an hour

The Dell 3007wfp monitor starts flickering (horizontal lines / blinking) after a few min to an hour of usage.

I 'think' it may be a heat related issue since the back of this monitor is cooler then another monitor. If I turn off the monitor for some time and turn it back on it again works well for a short period of time.

I have tried switching to a different graphics card and DVI cable with the same results.

Are there any heat-sinks or other parts that may need thermal grease re-applied or something else that would cause the problem.

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You definitely want to take a closer look at some of the caps. there may be heatshields on those. the symptoms are consistent with overheating caps.


This is dead topic, but had similar issue with DELL P2417. Issue was caused by Boost converter on display board (not PSU or motherboard) overheating, so your assumption here is correct. But the reason for overheating was different: If input voltage walls before threshold, it starts consuming more power, causing voltage drop to increase etc. This load mode caused degradation of the fuse on the same board. Replacing this fuse fixed the issue for few years. Now issue is back, replacing fuse did not help. Will try to fix it later and post updates


Update: replacing fuse in comment above - shorting it with thin wire (did not help). Removed fuse, powered panel directly from bench power supply - worked fine (tested for 2 hours). Soldered in proper fuse instead of thin wire - works fine for now (few hours)


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First, this model monitor is no more in the market. I am doing the answer only because it’s unanswered and the problem still persists with other models.

Definitely, it is heat behind the issue but the question of what is happening that lines keep coming after getting heat. There might be two reasons.

If you have an LCD screen: There might be leakage or broken that cause liquid expansion on heat. It causes the different colors of light-emitting.

If you have LED: LED is the combination of thousands of tiny lights or led. It is possible the tiny lights got damaged or fuse. Some LED changes colors when gets heat and it only happens if there is some fault with it.

Block Image

So, in both cases, there are no repair things you can do here. You can just replace the screen only.

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