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Model A1136 / 30, 60, or 80 GB hard drive / black or white plastic front

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What part should I replace if iPod won't turn on at all?

My iPod won't turn on at all. It was working perfectly a few hours ago, turned it off, wouldn't turn on again after a few hours. When I try to, I just get a blank screen. I don't hear anything, so I don't think the hard drive is spinning. Nothing shows up when I plug it into the computer. I've already tried resetting it, many times - like 10+.

I'm thinking I need to replace the battery, but it seems like people usually get a low battery message in that situation. Any ideas?

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First of all, I'm not experienced with iPod repairs. But from general knowledge I would say that if it was the battery, it should still show up in iTunes or power up when you connect it to external power.


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Rousp is correct in his assumption, I would say its more of a HDD or logic board problem.

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I would replace the battery, worked for me.

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I have the same problem with my Ipod classic G6. But I take off the battery and checked it with a multimeter. The Battery gives 4,2 V. Is this correct? It should only give 3,7 V.

When I try to connect it to the computer (with the disconnected battery) nothing happens. No drive spin up, no recognition of the device, no screen, nothing. :-(

So I think it's the logic board. Or what do you think?

Is there any repair tutorial out there for the logic board? Perhaps it's only a smd fuse or something like that.. :-)

Oh... I'm sorry for my bad english, but I can't find a german site with this quality. I like your site!

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