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Nintendo's first 3DS handheld device released February 2011, identified by model number CTR-001.

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Nintendo 3DS Charge but won't turn on.


Recently I got a 3ds - The small first version.

When I plugged it into the charger, I noticed the light turn on, but when I try to turn the device on - nothing!

The lights turn off when I press the power buttom and after a few secounds - turn on again without the decive coming to life.

theres no crack on the screen.

Thanks you.

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I got the same problem yeah its stinks


I dont know what to do with it... how do u fix it


Same i couldnt find a way to fix it


I want to fix it plz help


i couldnt turn it off even O_O


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Could be a bad battery.. You can get them from Ebay

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I took the battery out. The nintendo is supposed to turn on when plugged to the recharger, no?


Is the charge light coming on when you plug it in? You may want to check the charging port for damage or if it's loose..


Yeah, when I plug the charger the light turn on.

There's nothing when it's not plugged it.

Also I checked the connector, it seems alright.. nothing losses, no rust and it respond very quickly once I insert the recharger


jewhat when i try to turn my ds of it keeps making a noise and light turns of and when i try to turn it on again it keeps turning of


if the issue is the light is turning and and off, the what I did is I kept pushing the power button


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Take the sd card out and put it back in again

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Sorry to say it but it doesn't work


Nevermind it works


THANKS! It actually seems to have worked, at least for my case! =D


Had the same problem. Ds would charge perfectly fine but couldn’t get it to actually turn on. Took the sd card out, blew In the system and put it back, came on the same way it used to. Thanks!


just made this account to thank you

i thought my 3ds had bricked for a moment

felt my blood pressure dropping


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Check the F2 fuse next to the battery contacts (for the 3ds it located underneath, other side of the logic/mother board). If the fuse is blown, then then system will charge for 10 sec and then stop.

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Fuse number 2. All the circuit boards components are labeled


just created an account to ask for help, my N3DSXL charging light stays on but i saw smoke coming out of the ABXY board and it smelling burnt, the console isn't turning on and i don't know what to do to be honest, of course my console is not turning on


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Hi these units get dropped from time to time, remove the back plate the battery and then the back casing. Look up towards the left trigger there is a small ribbon cable that can come loose if dropped. Lift up the small tab (carefully) remove and replace ribbon cable. Also there is a small square adapter in the center of the unit directly below the cartridge slot this is your wifi card once again gently pry up on it and it will come loose then reattach it. If these things don't work you more then likely have a tear in the ribbon cable that connects the screen to the motherboard. I have also on occasion seen this happen on a console that some one tried to hack and failed resulting in a hard brick of the motherboard, if that's the case you can try to find another mother board or sell it for parts.

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Yo matthew barlup thank you so much


Thank you so much! I know this was posted 3 years ago but it really worked so thanks! :)


Yes!! It stopped working after I dropped it so this does make since. I’ll try it!


Had the same issue. Followed instructions, there is also another lil module you can disconnect and reconnect that is by the right trigger. I did the wifi and the one by the left trigger, but both were fine, but only after doing this other lil separate module did it work again


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This just happened to me!!

I recommend:

  1. Take SD card, dust that and blow into the SD slot then replace the card
  2. If you use the charging cradle (like I do!) put your DS in it tip it about a bit. Until the light comes on… I just have a loose connection

Edit: I have a 3Ds

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You need to charge it longer. If no response continues, try replacing the battery.

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YESH DIS WORKED,all the other "replace the fuse or battery"thng didn't help at all CUZ MY FUSE IS LITTY AND IT LOVES MEH


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My 3ds shows the charging light but after a while it doesnt turn on still plz help me!

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you could take the sd card out and blow the port and then put it back in, that worked for me today


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Try doing whatever everybody else says and if that doesn’t work, try putting the ds back together and take out the game card and sd card and squish the system around, not too hard but hard enough that it will put anything in place that might be loose.

I did that out of frustration and to my surprise it worked!

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You are a god. i tried everything above and didnt worked. i shaked it like mad and suprise!!! It works! Thanks!


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I bought mine on OLX, but 2 days ago it stopped working, black screen and can't update because it is already on 11.9, and my SD card don't read, I formated my SD and 3ds don't created a folder. HELP :/

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When i turn on my 3ds it tries to for a few seconds, makes a snapping noise then shuts off

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That exact same thing is happening to me to and I don’t know how to fix it or what to replace , I try turn my 3ds on it shows the blue light for a few second and does the exact same thing the snapping noise and shuts off , does anyone know the problem and how to fix it ?


I have the same issue. I tried the battery in my sister ds and that's fine so have no clue what's wrong with it


Try opening the console and reseating the backlight cable.


Usually that happens when a ribbon cable is loose in that case it is the cable for the screen


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I am really frustrated at this point…I would replace the ribbon..BUT HOW DO YOU DO THAT!??!

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If you need to replace the ribbon cable, you can try soldering a new one yourself, or just replace the part where the ribbon cable is AKA if its a trigger ribbon cable, try replacing the trigger


This means that the connections on the motherboard aren't fully seated. I would recommend opening it back up and cheking all connections.


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Take out the SD Card and Game Cartridge.

Clean the connectors on both.

Blue into the open slots really well a few times.

But the card and cartridge back in.

Turn it on!

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None of this $@$* is working!!!

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Same here have you found any other solution s


My 3ds will show the charging light but the blue power on light won't turn on and it's not dead, so what is wrong with it?


Idk i have the same problem with my 3ds


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Just go somewhere and get it examined if none of this works.

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“Thank you” not “thanks you”

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Bro who cares about how they said it


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om g this workssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ok so guys you have got doscrew it then grofi;jdpwerlgtosPAD:WEIORTgzlfu;DIEAFxsglfzo;adxlhgsifd

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The charging light on mine lights up but the blue light wont light up and it wont turn

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Excuse me? I changed my 3d slider module (it didn’t regulate 3D) and when I finished, it was doing the one second and popping (and charging led turned off for a while) after pressing power button.

Then I moved a little bit more the connections and now 3D led indicator turns out when I press power button (with an inmediate very soft click on the speakers), and then inmediately turns off. Charging led stays all the time.

Is there anybody who has experienced this last thing?

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check if 3d module is plugged properly into the top lcd. Then check if the 3d module is plugged in properly in the motherboard. It may be loose. It should go all the way in without any resistance. If you can't get it in, then you may have bent a pin within the plug


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Just in case anyone is having a problem with the 3DS charging but not turning on after removing and reseating the Gamecard Reader (as in Steps 12 and 13 of the iFixit Guide), it might be due to the conductive material that connects the Gamecard Reader board to the Motherboard not making contact.

Underneath the mobo, there is a little strip of conductive material that connects it to the Gamecard board, and when reseating the Gamecard board, that strip can get pushed to the side and not make contact.

This will cause the 3DS to not turn on via the power button, but when plugged in the charging light will still turn on and stay lit while the battery charges.

To solve this: make sure the conductive strip is flat when reseating the mobo and make sure that the mobo sits right on top of the connecting point on the Gamecard board when the Gamecard board is reseated. Then the unit can be powered on like normal.

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