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The March 2015 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Pro Retina Display, model A1502, features fifth-generation Intel Core i5 and i7 processors and introduces the Force Touch trackpad.

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MBP 2015 - Upgrade Storage from 256GB to 1TB?


I'm planning on buying a 13" Macbook Pro early 2015 model with 256 GB storage.

I want to check, is it possible to upgrade the storage later. I might want to upgrade to 1 TB to run VMs.



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Well I have good news and bad news here:

  • First the good news - Apple's custom SSD blade drive is a replaceable unit so its possible to swap-out.
  • The bad news here is its too soon to say when 3rd party replacements will hit the market as this system is just too new.
  • The other bit of bad news is largest SSD so far available is still very expensive and only 920GB in size. I would recommend you follow this site: Transcend they appear to be aggressive on offering options for Air & Retina systems.

I end with a bit of good news here: Intel and Micron’s 3D NAND promises SSDs “greater than 10TB” so in a few years we should start seeing lower cost SSD blades and larger ones as well.

Update (03/12/2016)

Good News! OWC has just released their SSD's for the Retina systems!

Here's the details: MacBook Pro with Retina 13" & 15" Late 2013 - Current

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Will apple swap one out with a nominal fee? i got 128gb..id like to go to 512.....idc to pay I'm just not sure if they do that sort of thing..


Sadly, Apple won't upgrade sold systems. At one point Apple did offer after sale upgrading (cracking open your system) a good five years ago they stopped offering upgrading. If you just bought your system (first week) they do offer system exchange just make sure your system is blemish free.


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I found the TarDisk, when I was searching the web on how to expand my macbook storage.

I ordered it and it came last week and has been working perfectly! It doubled my MacBooks onboard storage. Check it out!

Block Image

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Yes, you can. See theses links below : (if you are rich)

Aura 1TB Upgrade Kit (649$)

9toMac How to Video

OWC Digital How to Video

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OK I just finished placing 1 Tera SSD in Mac Pro Retina 13 (early 2015) and it took me about 10 minutes.

The cost are: $13 for adaptor + $105 for SSD (1 Tera). According to stats it is faster in the Writing side now.

If you want details, let me know.

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What brand SSD did you use? Did you follow instructions from a video?


Can you give the link for SSD? I don't think that its that cheap.


Are you having any issues with wake from sleep or heating?


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Where can I find the SSD for my MacBook Pro?

Currently it has 256 GB and I need more space!

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For now your only option is using a SD slot drive like this: Transcend Jet Drive Lite to add storage. If you have a different model than the OP review the Transcend site for other options


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I currently have 8 GB RAM & 128 GB SSD in my MacBook Pro 2015, and I want to upgrade to 16 GB RAM & 1 TB SSD.

As far as I know, I can do that change, but I don't know what RAM & SSD I must buy.

Can help me with this?

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Sorry guy ;-{ Apple soldered the RAM in the Retina series of the MacBook Pro's so you can't upgrade it.

But! You can replace the SSD drive as it's socketed. Now the other shoe drops... The bad news here there still isn't any 3rd parties that offer the needed unit. Hang tight I hear some rumblings their might be an answer soon.

UPDATE Both OWC & Transcend offer great options


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I found a 1TB SSD for the 2015 MacBook Pros, as well as the Mac Pro... But it's $1300 :/


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This company sucks! I ordered a 1TB SSD from MCE technologies a month ago (almost 50 days now). They never send product and never pickup the phone. Also never responded to my email either. Driving me crazy!

So I canceled my order to my credit card company and still waiting. Card company said need wait 50 days more!


did this resolve itself finally, StealthMarine? hope so!


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What can be done with the old SSD? I know there is only 1 external case for it from OCW that is pricey!

But, could it be mount into a Desktop PC motherboard? Is it standard?

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Yes Mehdi F, you can buy a PCIe adapter board to install it in a desktop PC. My motherboard cannot boot from the device so I have a small boot partition but once the OS is loaded the SSD works fine and is pretty fast.


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Hi there,

I’m hoping to upgrade my 13” Macbook pro with a 2TB OWC Aura SSD. Other than the actually replacement of the piece (I’ve watched a few videos, if anyone has extra pointers, that would be great too!), is there anything that needs to be adjusted, upgraded or anything in order for the system to be compatible with the storage? What are the risks to the system/computer if the SSD is upgraded with a non-Apple certified SSD? Any help is great!


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Hi! I'm planing to upgrade my early 2015 13" MacBook Pro to 2TB SSD as well. Did you do it? Is the 2T working ok? Not an overkill? Did the system recognize it? Most Youtube video upgrades are for 1TB SSDs; I wonder why they're not doing 2TB SSDs. I was afraid this is because of system incompatibilities.




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