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The Vivitar Vivicam T027 is a digital camera with a resolution of 12 megapixels and digital zoom. The camera has 2.7” screen, the ability to produce large prints, and tools such as anti-shake and red eye reduction.

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Why is my camera not turning on?

The camera does not turn on although batteries are placed inside.

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My vivitar camera is a vivicam T027 and when my camera does turn on it pops up a vivitar pic and it will shut off and then I tryed turning it on and pushing the button to take a picture and in red it poped up a bunch of letters and numbers? Does anyone know what's wrong with it??


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Sometimes, your camera’s batteries need to be taken out and then reinserted to turn the camera on. Alternatively, your batteries may have died. Replace with new AAA batteries.

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my vivitar camera will not turn on i replaces the batteries and tried the usb cord. i have not dropped it can anyone help

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