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Model A1059 or A1099 / 20, 40, or 60 GB hard drive / touch sensitive click wheel

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Has anyone ever changed the headphone internal parts?

Apparently, out of warranty, and one of the copper conductors in the headphone jack has POPPED out ! what a pain in the tookis ! So apple re-directed me to this website (DYI), gazzelle.com to exchange my iPod or cost (apple gift card), or get 10% in the store off a new iPod. Terrific options ! Especially, when I was planning to get the new iPhone4 August 20 the day my contract ends w/ verizon, only to learn that apple is taking the iPhone to verizon by christmas, as per NYT. Trying to figuire out the best way to handle this. Gazzle.com was a bust . . . it's for bikes (Idiot . . . not genius). Looked at manual on this site and looks iffy . . . not sure, feel like i need to order "just in case parts", and not sure it's worth losing the option of getting the gift card for value of the phone. But overall, hate to buy any iPod device when iPhone is coming to verizion . . . GURRRRRRRRR . . .

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ok, sounds pretty bad - but we should find the right iPod model.

the 4th and the 5th generation were available as a 60gb model in 2005.

since they are totally different - we should find the right guide for you:

headphone jack guide 4th generation

headphone jack guide 5th generation

look at the devices - wich ones looks like your iPod ??

iPod 4th Generation or Photo Headphone Jack Изображение


iPod 4th Generation or Photo Headphone Jack Replacement



20 minutes

iPod 5th Generation (Video) Headphone Jack & Hold Switch Изображение


iPod 5th Generation (Video) Headphone Jack & Hold Switch Replacement



20 - 40 minutes

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