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Model A1311 / Late 2009 / 3.06 or 3.33 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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Thunderfly stuck in the middle of the screen ...


Everything is said in the title, I have a thunderfly dead in the middle of my imac :(

Any tips ? Found some on Google but nothing really helpful ..

Thanks !


FYI, it finally collapsed yesterday at the bottom of the screen ! :)

In the meantime, I had others flies crawling around and I just shutted down the iMac as soon as one go under the glass.



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Выбранное решение

I find it very funny that this is apparently a not-uncommon problem: http://forums.macnn.com/58/imac-emac-and...

However, here's what you need to do:

Use this guide to remove the glass panel on your screen.

Use some canned air to blow the little guy away, or if he's melted into place, you may need to very gently clean the LCD with a soft cloth.

That should take care of things for you. :)

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Hello Taylor and thank you a lot for this quick reply !

It's indeed fairly common as I already had the same issue with a Dell and a Sony monitor ... :-S

I used to live with it for those monitors but it's quite annoying for a shiny new iMac :)

I will check your solution but, if I see corretly, the bug is quite deep and below the cursor/pixels.



Glad to help, be sure come back and tell us if it worked or not, and if it did, accept this answer. :) -Taylor


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