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Is it possible to fix a rarely working accelerometer, without opening?

For a while, my iPods accelerometer has stopped working. I've dropped it twice and have noticed a half-inch long dent on the back. The dent is in between the memory amount and the apple logo, all the way to the left. I am very frustrated with this problem. I'd rather not go to the Apple Store :3 I have noticed that if I leave my iPod on a flat table for 8 or so hours, it starts working for a second... I'm did not get an extended warranty, it doesn't really matter because I got it April 2010.

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An accelerometer is a device that measures proper acceleration, the acceleration experienced relative to freefall. Are you jumping out of airplanes with your iPod? I didn't know the iPod had one.


The iPhone does have a 2 axis accelerometer.


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Your accelerometer should maintain the same position it was on when laid flat. The accelerometer doesnt work when the phone is flat, so thats very odd. you must have damaged the accelerometer during one of the falls. I'm not sure if this can be fixed without replacing the Logic Board. If there were recalibration tools available I would have recommended that, but there isn't any software for this to my understanding.

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+ Ralph


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