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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это маленькая версия iPhone 6 Plus с 4.7-дюймовым экраном.

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Touch ID not working after screen replacement?

I have made a screen replacement on my iPhone 6. Now the touch ID does not work any more. I have read that if the home button flex cable is damaged, this can occur. Is that really so? The button itself is working just fine.

I know for a fact that the home button can not be replaced because then touch id will not work, plus you can never upgrade the phone again without getting a error 53. Can you confirm this?

So my last question. Can I replace the home button flex cable or is that also coded to the chip or home button touch id?

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Are you using the original home button? If not, Touch ID won't work.


I was wondering why mine did not do it and saw that someone commented the button goes with the logic board. Someone also commented that the button was in removeable.

There is two screws on the button, remove them and then the plate comes off after there is a connector pop it off and gentaly remove the ribbon it’s sticky. Then remove the button. Swap the original with the new one and it works. Just did it works great and you will have to remove all fingerprints and read them. There is a barcode type of thing on the back of each button ribbon the is married to the logic board


i have the same problem, after replacement my touch id wont work.. but when i get it back to the original screen, touch id works perfectly.. the seller says that class A screen replacements only works on home button but not on 3D touch.. can use my phone even without touch id feature.. its just that i cannot use that feature to the new screen replacement..


I have the same problem. I had my mother board replaced due to USB C port problem. when I got my Mac Book back the fingerprint function said "Fingerprint limit reached.... To add a new fingerprint, remove a fingerprint from any account on this Mac." but there are no other accounts on my Mac... not a big deal, but it frustrates me and id like to get the fingerprint function working again... any suggestions....?


Have u tried restoring the os Catalina?


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Sounds like the cable may have been damaged. This is located on the back of the LCD shield plate. You can replace the cable, you just can't replace the touch button itself. Read more

Replace the cable that connects the home button assembly to the logic board compatible with the iPhone 6.  This cable follows a channel in the LCD shield plate. Изображение


iPhone 6 Home Button Link Cable


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Has anyone had success by replacing the home button flex? Getting the Touch ID to work again....


The original home button is locked to the logic board. If you replace the home button, it will work except for the touch ID function. I would check that connector that is on the thermal plate, on the back of the LCD, and look for corrosion on the pins. If any of the pins look dark, there could be corrosion on them which you will need to remove. A good, lighted magnifier comes in handy for this. I replace the screens on a daily basis, so icy all types of things that causes function not to work.


i have the same problem, after replacement my touch id wont work.. but when i get it back to the original screen, touch id works perfectly.. the seller says that class A screen replacements only works on home button but not on 3D touch.. can use my phone even without touch id feature.. its just that i cannot use that feature to the new screen replacement.


Always turn your phone off.. after disconnecting the battery,before disconnecting the screen cables, press the powerbutton a couple of times or press it for few seconds to clear the remaining power in the cables.. make sure that the homebutton connector is suited well on the connector of the backplate..


If the above fixes don’t work, the chip that aligns with the button is in original the flex cable it is connected to. If you haven’t damage that cable, remove the metal plate over the back of the digitizer to expose the cable. Warm the reverse side of the plate to remove the cable and the chip, and transport it to the new device. If you don’t take this cable over with you, Touch ID might not work.


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Hello everyone,

It appears that the iPhone 6 replacement screen assembly purchased from ifixit is not complete!

Note I speak solely of the (Glass,LCD, Digitizer option only) and can verify that it seems to be missing a conductive plate below the home button flex cable.

Below you will see the original screen on the right indicating the conductive plate B.

Follow ifixit home button replacement guidelines and be sure to take this plate B over to the new screen assembly.

Be sure to utilize heat when removing adhesive from ribbon cables.

I transferred my original home button to the new screen and got this working as outlined above.

Be sure to utilize the plastic nodules at C. to align the home button connector upon reassembly.

Let me know if anyone needs further clarification.


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Thanks mate very helpful


Glad to help bro.


my touch id doesn't work. I can use home button only as home button. I replaced the touch id flex with a new one, the cable that is located on the back of the LCD shield plate (not the home button). I see this new cable already have the conductive plate B in the area showed in the guide on picture but my touch id doesn't work...


well, the metal plate sims to be glue to the lcd back cable. what do i have to do? un glue from the end of that cable and re glue on the new screen? home button works perfect, but not the touch id. my home button is the original, i just replace the screen. thanks in advance. MAX


My original crack screen on iPhone6s doesnt has the metal plate on B (on your picture) What im missing... scratch my head here..


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For those that replace the screen and home bottom properly and the Touch ID dint work :

1 • you probably did the job with the phone on , or you turn it on by mistake wile reassembling it .

( you know you are guilty lol)

*^*The problem is that the sensor gets stuck and the mainboard is not able to recognize it.

Complete power shutdown of the system is need it .*^*

All you have to do is :

1. Disconnect the battery and press power couple off times.

2. unscrew the little metal plate that holds the home button to the plastic frame of the digitizer assembly.(two screws )

3. Disconnect the home button connector

4. Connect the home button connector again

5. Screw the metal plate back in its place ( with the two screws)

6. Connect the battery again

7. Turn the phone on

If you did a professional job and took ur time heating the area a little bit making sure you din't mess the home button flex wile u separated from the frame. Then Touch ID will work when the phone boot .

**note: for those of you that did &&^& up the home button flex (lol)

just replace the home button and make sure you do it with the system off please. Any oem or original home button will work.

It works from the 5s to the 6s+

If u need advice look for me at:

Facebook or LinkedIn

Use this email : [email removed for privacy]

I been working with iPhones since iPhone 2g

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Thanks for looking. I am going to ask here and on the main question. Did a 6 plus screen, no issues at all taking it apart. Battery was the first thing disconnected. Removed home button, camera, etc, no issues at all. Swap everything and before I put the covers on for the battery, screen/home/camera cables... I test the phone. No issues. I put all the covers back on, seal it up and then get a cannot setup touch id error...I take it apart, remove the home button cover, test and its fine, put the cover back and get an error. Remove the cover, reseat the connector, no error, put cover on, no error. Seal it all back up, restart, no error. Customer takes it, goes to setup his touch id and it wont work. Any thoughts? Would you think its a pinched cable issue or an issue as stated here? Thanks


I just did a screen replacement of IP6. this fixed my home button touch ID. Thanks!!


Thank You soo much! It works


You are my hero! Thank you so much!


Thanks dude, this worked for me.


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Replace the backplate with included "Touch ID Extension" Cable.

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yes man, this is real solution!


Yes, this is the actual solution. My home button wouldn't function at all until I replaced the backplate with the cable on it. Works perfect now. Thanks!


Just replace my screen and home button didn't work, set assistive touch as work around. Did a backup and retire on phone and got the white screen of death. Connected to iTunes and put it restore mode via home button and lock button and recovered phone. There is a known issue with screen replacement and home button being disabled especially if your software is not the latest update.


I replaced the LCD+touchscreen assembly (I forgot to disconnect the power cable, but I didn't think this was the problem). TouchID does not work (home button was working).

Step 1: I tried restore with 10.1.1 but it did not help.

Step 2: I checked the metal plate under the Home Button connector. It stays glued on the old LCD assembly. I tried to transfer it to the new assembly, but it did not help.

Step 3: Then I checked the connector next to the Home Button on LCD backplate flex and it seems a little bit damaged, when I was removing it from the old case (the metal plate stays on old assembly see step 2). So I ordered new LCD metal backplate with HomeButton flex (5$ from Ebay). Replaced it but the TouchID still cannot be turned on (big error message "Touch ID ... failed ...").

Step 4: Tried restore with 10.1.1 and IT WORKS.


Yes !! Same issue for me : new screen, I kept the original home button, but Touch ID didn't work. I've replaced the original backplate with its cable, and : miracle, Touch ID is back !! Big big thanks !


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I've just discovered that there is a compatibilty issue with the original home button and a replacement LCD. I think my new screen is not an OEM part which may be the source of the problem. I confirmed it was the LCD by re-installing the original cracked screen with the original home button. The touch ID then worked as normal.

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Hi there, I have the same question with my iPhone 6 plus. Did you solve the problem now? My home button works just fine but I just can't use the Touch-id any more.


chemesad that's because the old lcd setup has the original home button which is coded to the motherboard, so if you took the original home button and put it into the new lcd setup your touch id will work like it did before.


Man, just use the old home buton and the same cable attached on silver plate of the cracked screen on your new screen.


I'm using the old home button but still Touch ID not working actually the Touch ID wasn't even working b4 I replace the LCD when the screen was smashed it always used to say unable to set Touch ID then I thought it's probably the broken screen causing problems if I replace it Touch ID will work and I decided to change the LCD screen but no luck still the Touch ID not working


all home button ribbon cables contain a bar code, you then have to reset the iphones to recognize it via the QR barcode app


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It seems there are a lot of varying solutions for the Touch ID not working. These need to be consolidated here:

Foremost: If you replace the home button from an aftermarket supplier, the Touch ID will never work.

To replace the home button, you MUST go to an Apple Repair Store to get the home button programmed for Touch ID.

Prior to IOS 10, if you used an aftermarket Home Button you would get an error 53 which "Bricked" your phone. This to my understanding has been corrected by Apple and you will no longer get an error 53 code.

So the following is assuming that you are using the original Home Button and all connections are not damaged, clean and connected/ seated properly.

*Always disconnect the battery and then press the home button for 30 seconds to discharge any power in the motherboard.

1: 6s and 6s Plus, the home button flex is built into the LCD, there is no extension cable from the home button to the motherboard and no reason to try and lift the home button connector cable where the home button connects to the screen.

2: 6 and 6 plus, there is an extension cable attached to the bottom of the metal shield that can be replaced that runs from the bottom at the home button, to the top to the motherboard.

Under the connector for the home button on the extension cable, there is a small metal plate that has adhesive holding it to the phone.

a) In some cases this small metal plate remains on the phone when removing the metal shield and home button extension cable.

b) This small plate, in some cases, can be moved over to the new screen and everything works fine, in some cases moving the small metal plate to the new screen does not work and you may have a partially functioning home button or at worst case, nothing works.

c) If there is any damage to the extension flex cable on the 6, 6 Plus and 6S, 6S Plus, you Might have a working home button and no Touch ID or your home button may not work at all.

In this case, you will need to replace the extension flex cable on the 6 and 6 Plus if it is a 6S or 6S Plus, you will have to replace the LCD.

d) If there is any damage to the the actual home button flex or connector, you may have a partially functioning home button with no Touch ID and functioning home button.

If you want Touch ID, you MUST go to an Apple Store for the repair.

e) One comment stated that you must also transfer the rubber vibration isolators that cover the threads for the screen where the pentalobe screws go at the bottom of the screen. Strangely, I have never seen any videos or tutorials that have shown these or talked about them, but they are there. Sometimes they come up with the screen, sometimes they stay in the phone and sometimes one will stay in the phone and the other will stay on the screen. personally, I think they are only vibration isolators but they are there for a reason and should be transferred over to the new screen. They do have a certain way they go on, so pay attention to the orientation.

3: If there is no damage or you have replaced the extension flex on the 6 and 6 Plus and no damage to the home button or connectors, there MAY be a solution by trying one of the following.

a) do a soft reset by pressing the home button and power button to restart the phone

b) Power down the Phone, disconnect the battery and all cables and press the power button for 30 seconds, reconnect the cables, reconnect the battery and turn on the phone.

c) Do a hard reset by connecting to ITunes and backing up the phone and doing a full restore.

d) Put the phone in full DFU Mode and restore the phone

If doing a full restore you will need the Apple ID and password if the phone has been registered to ICloud or Find My Phone.

Finally: after replacing the flex button extension cable, ensuring no damage to connectors, no damage to the home button and ensuring all connections are clean and connected/ seated properly and following all the steps in 3 above have been done and the Touch ID still does not work, only two possibilities exist:

1) Damaged components

2) Motherboard issues.

I hope this helps by combining all the information and comments on this thread.

It would be nice to know which steps helped solve your problem.


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Why must you go to an apple store to get the touch id to work? Aren't other people here saying that it will be fine as long as you transfer over the original home button and connectors?


As long as you use the original home button, there is no problem. However if the home button is damaged, you must go to Apple because the Home Button is "married" to the motherboard. An aftermarket home button will work as just a home button but will not have Touch ID.


Update: Apple does NOT do repairs. They will want you to pay for a refurbished phone. Inregard to the Touch ID, 1) always clear all stored fingerprints and passwords, 2) ALWAYS disconnect the battery and discharge the Motherboard by holding the power button after disconnecting the battery. 3) do not damage the flex connector ribbon to the motherboard and 4) do not damage the flex ribbon to the Touch ID/ Home Button.


The 3 major causes for Touch ID Not working after screen replacement:

1) Battery was not disconnected before starting the repair. This is a paramount step, It is also a good idea to hit the power button a few times to discharge and power in the motherboard and home button after disconnecting the battery and before starting to disconnect any components. By NOT disconnecting the battery, you take a chance of inadvertent damage to the back light filter or the home button via "discharge shock" to these components.

2) Damage to the Home button extension flex cable on the back of the LCD shield.

3) Damage to the Home Button flex itself.


Thank You Bobby Gorden for your in-depth explanations. I haven't solved this issue yet, however I've narrowed it down to two possibilities: the flex button extension cable is damaged or I need to do discharge all power from mainboard by disconnecting battery and pressing power button for a while. (I left battery connected during first screen disconnect.). I'll update later... thanks again!


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If you did in fact replace your home button, Touch ID will no longer work (see this post about iTunes error 53).

If you haven't replaced the home button, it is possible that you damaged or did not completely plug in one of the cables connecting the home button to your phone. It might be worth your while to open your phone and try to reseat all the cable connections to see if that resolves your problem.

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i just did a screen replacement and then my front camera and touch-id didn't work - i just restarted my phone and both worked fine again

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This worked for me too.


dat just the simple logic


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Have you tried to reset the touch id such as clear the data and record the fingerprint again? It's said LCD screen replacement will change the data or clear the data, so you need to reset at first.

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does the little metal piece on that is on the back of the iphone 6 screen that the long flex cable sits on affect the touch id as well if it stays on the old part and not moved over?


That is correct. I have replaced Touch ID successfully on numerous iPhone 6's. This is what I have learned, that in some cases a transplant of the original home button with cable is all it takes but in others you also need to transfer the Back Plate with the home button cable running through it. On my last project, I took the original home button and transferred to new aftermarket screen and I was devastated when it said Touch ID not working. I transferred back the button to the old screen and it worked again. I deciphered that it must be the cable in back plate making difference so I did a back plate swap to new screen and voila! worked perfectly. Hope that helps.



I did the same I kept the original back plate and cable while changing the LCD but no luck for me Touch ID not working !!!


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After I broke the screen I purchased new and changed it by guides on YouTube and I changed the screen and everything worked but the sensor of the home button no longer worked more I tried all the guides and nothing worked until I changed and no reason the

lcd metal backplate with home flex cable !!!!!!!!!!

And wowwww the home button start working perfectly...

Sooooo probably the first flex cable was damage and I didn't see this...

In conclusion - try to replace everything related directly or indirectly to the screen or the home button but of course not the button itself.

Once I plugged all previous fingerprint device's memory is kept and everything works perfectly,

Hope That I've had help someone

[email removed for privacy]

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Hi Shimon, i had the same situation described by you. I purchased a new screen by http://fixxoo.de/en/, i followed the official video tutorial made from this store: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwIajwKt...

after the replacement of the new screen the home button did not read anymore my fingerprints.

Well i followed your intructions, i open again Iphone6s+ and now i changed the whole lcd metal backplate with the home flex cable, and WOWWW, the fingerprint reader at the home button now work perfectly... It is incredible how the store does not comment anything on this tip that is required to keep the fingerprinter reader working. The store wash their hands saying that probably i damaged the home button at the moment of the replacement. But the real solution is what you had recomended and it works perfectly. thank you very much for your time and comments on this page, you did very well.


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The fundamental cause of losing touch ID when you still have the original home button is that the connector isn't cleanly seated.

This is the reason for moving the metal plate underneath the connector and it's also the reason people suggest moving the button over with the heat shield intact, so that you never have to disconnect the home button.

In addition, Yes, I often have to do a restore to get the touch ID function back.

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Are you thinking that disconnecting the home button connector at the bottom of the phone is somehow different than disconnecting the extension flex from the phone at the top? What do you mean by "cleanly" seated? Interesting.


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If you have not damaged the ribbon to the home button or the ribbon on back of the metal plate, simply open Itunes put the phone in DFU mode by pressing the power and home button attach the lightening cable to your pc and the phone and install the firmware. I did yesterday and Touch ID is working nomally.

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Thanks man, Life saviour answer. I broke my LCD display and changed it unfortunately I damaged minutely, very minutely while removing the backplate. I restored from back up, stick those damaged area with tape, no use, atlast replaced with aftermarket connecting flex and I was puzzled no error about touch ID while switching on the phone but fingerprint is not working, randomly found your answer and updated the firmware, works like charm, Thank you so much.


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Hello All,

I too, just did a replacement of a screen on an iPhone 6, actually this was a full refurbish project where i moved all parts over to a new housing and a new LCd assembly. During the process, i believe i damaged the connector closest the the Touch ID (not actually the touch) that is glued to the back of the LCD. The button function work "kinda". I'm going to replace the flex cable that runs along the back of the screen, this is a very cheap fix. As long as the flex of the Touch ID its self isn't damaged, you should be in the clear. i've done 100's of fixes, this is the first time I've damaged this part.



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I just had the same problem and all I had to do is bring the metal housing that has the cable for the home button attached to the new screen and it works like a charm again. Hope it helps someone because all the information I found didn't help me fix the problem.


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You should be able to replace that extension flex without running into any issues. I don't know what is causing it but I know a guy that has a propensity for this happening, its happened to him twice now but I haven't seen anyone else have it happen.

I thought I had done it once but it ended up I didn't have the extension flex plugged into the home button correctly. Reseating that connection fixed the issue that time.

There is something going on with it that of course Apple won't talk about but knows about. If you do an update or restore on devices that are doing this it throws an error 53 and bricks the device. That sounds like a bad thing, but as long as you can make it look like you haven't been inside the device, they'll replace it under warranty (all iphone 6 are under warranty until at least sept. 19, 2015)

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just do the hard reset (press home button and power button together until the phone restarts and you see the apple logo). that should fix the problem if you connected the cables perfectly while doing the repair. theres no point changing the home flex cable, because of the iTunes error you may encounter while updating the phone. plus touch id will never work with different replacement.

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I really think this is linked to the ribbon cable. When I replaced my screen the home button was a little bit reluctant to come up easily and I think I over stressed the connector ribbon cable. After reading blogs I tried to reseat it a few times until the connector actually failed and detached. I have a new ribbon coming and will see if this fixes the problem

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Hello everyone, The fingerprint sensor is married to the motherboard - replace the finger print sensor and you can't update to iOS 9. I have changed over hundreds of screens and haven't damaged 1 ribbon cable. I use a heat gun to soften the glue around the sensor and a knife to pick up the ribbon connector off the screen. Also the phone needs to be rebooted once if the fingerprint sensor has been disconnected and reconnected. If you do need to change the fingerprint sensor, keep it and place it back in to update otherwise "Error 53"

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Do a hard Reset. Hold the power off button and the home button until the Apple screen appears. It seems if the hardware is unplugged too long it looses the driver software or something.

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If u replace the iPhone 6 home button the fingerprint won't work because the apple Touch ID is programmed to the original button which is programmed to the phones memory thats located in the encrypted files. The error 53 was fixed in 9.2.1 so u can now upgrade all iPhones without original Home button. only Apple can replace the home button to restore Touch ID functionality

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No dear you if you will change the home button it will not work for fingerprint unlock. I have also that problem the shopkeppers at the markets told that it will change but your finger print scanner will not work.



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On some replacement screens, there is not always the Chip for the touch ID to clip into so people just leave it hanging. The clip part is connected to the digitizer of the display and new third party displays can't always replicate Apple with this.

The only way you can get this is by getting a really good display or going directly to Apple.

This was differant than the 5S's just because they connected to the actual body of the phone and not the display itslef. So you have to be careful when getting iPhone 6 Screens replaced.

I would go back and asked if it can be fixed or if the display just doesnt have the capability to do touch ID (I would be asking for my money back)


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The home key flex cable does connect directly to the logic board. They now use another flex cable that runs down inside of the display shield that brings the connector to the same spot that the displays connectors are aswell as the front camera flex cable which also shares its pin connector with the earpiece, ambient noise mic, ambient light sensor and the proximity sensor. The repair is just as critical. The slightest bit of damage the flex cable off of the button or even the button itself will cause the idtouch capabilty feature to fail. Apple does this a an added security feature for you, and a profitably feature for them when it gets damaged. His is because you fingerprint data is stored and locked into the chip that is on the home key, not on the device itself. This is so you will not be able to put a different home key in someone else's iPhone to gain access. It helps Apple due to the fact that if you rely heavily on that function for security, they have you back in line for the latest and greatest


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I had the same problem..but wen I updated via wifi to 9.3.3...n due to low battery the update got stuck n it showed connect to iTunes n I done so after the update process started around 1.88 gb after that it showed iTunes can't update to 9.3.3 and said to restore it..after that finger print worked...just flow the same step else mail me [email removed for privacy]

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There is a tiny plate behind the touch connector on the original screen, just move it to the new screen and enjoy your life ;)

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I ended up having to swap the ribbon cable from the original broken screen to the new one due to the home button cable not having any connectors. The only thing i didn't do was transfer that tiny piece of metal you are talking about. I think i'm going to replace the LCD backplate and cable though at this point since i may have dmg'd it.


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I replaced the metal plate and associated cable after tearing during the screen replacement on a 6+. I was not able to use touchid after this. I had to do a full restore from itunes and then touch ID was able to be used.

- I WAS able to use a non-oem screen replacement

-I DID replace the metal plate/cable on the back of the screen with a new (non-OEM) one

-I DID NOT have the small metal conductor plate in place (but not saying this isn't necessary in some cases)

-I DID a full restore from iTunes while the phone was in recovery/DFU mode

Touch ID is working completely now

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Hi , did you also tranfered the 2 tiny rubber pieces that pentalobe screws connect on lcd?


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I've noticed this a few times with touch id devices. Sometimes all it needs is a soft reset (hold down power and home buttons until you see apple and release) if that does not work than there was most likely damage to the home button cable.

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Iphone 6 touch id not working problem fix , i prove it with 2 iphone 6 , look at the picture 2 tiny rubber piece that need to be transfered to the new lcd replacement

Block Image

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So you tried this with and without the rubber pieces to verify they are necessary for the touch id to function?


Yes bobby gorden thats what i did and also dont tight the 2 pentalobe screws too much


Has anyone else seen these "isolators" be an issue? It may actually be the problem I had...


I have not seen any issues. I have friends that have 3 phone repair stores and they told me they do not transfer them. I think they are shock/ vibration isolators.


Well. Two days after the repair, the Touch ID started working out of nowhere. No rhyme or reason. We had tried power cycles, resets, erasing prints and starting over and nothing. Now today I get a message that it started working. I do know for a fact that these two rubbers are not in this phone. The only other thing I know is that it appeared to be more of an issue while the home button bracket was on.


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Have fixed this problem:

Open phone, disconnect all flex cables - including the battery. Put them all back together and the battery flex last. Hey presto!

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There are 3 possible reasons for the problem:

1. The touch screen could be faulty. Screen replacements are manufactured by third party companies and sometimes their integrity could not be meeting the standards. For instance, you can get a screen replacement part being manufactured in India when the phone’s company is located, say, in the US.

2. The flex cable is not rightly in contact with the connector. This implies that the signals from the screen won’t be conveyed to the phone.

3. The same flex cable could have been damaged during the reassembly process. This gives people a lot of headache since the torn part could not be visible sometimes.

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Turn Touch ID off and then back on and it should work or turn phone off and back on and try again

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I replaced the screen and even used the original home button, I tried to use the Touch ID but it didn't work it kept on saying Touch ID failed. I literally tried everything that everyone was saying to do but none of them worked. It wasn't untill I updated my phone that the Touch ID started working again, really strange not even DFU mode or restoring the phone worked but for some reason updating the phone did. It seems that you have to try every solution in order to find which one that will be effective for your phone.

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Had this issue on iPhone 6+.

The person who wrote above that it has to do with those rubber gaskets.... no, that's not it.

For me, it was just disconnecting and reconnecting the cables.... must not have been a perfect connection the first time, even though the home button was working enough for a press, just the touchID wasn't working....

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Happened again on another 6+. The first one started working on its own about two days later...Nothing was done to trigger it, no updates, restarts or anything. Now, I did another one 2 days ago. Everything worked fine until about an hour ago...they are getting the unable to activate fingerprint message. VERY weird. Only these two phones, only this month. I cant help but wonder if its software related.

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Are you disconnecting the battery? I had a couple that I did without disconnecting the battery first that acted up. I usually disconnect the battery, then push the power button for 30 seconds then start working on the unit. I have not had any trouble using this method, knock on wood.


Yes on both phones. But. Not the discharge power button method that you described. One phone started working a few days later all by itself. The other phone stopped working two days later. It's so weird.


To add to it all...The second phone was brought back to me last night. Did the whole power cycle, reseated connectors, hard reset, backup and phone restore and an ios update and the problem still exists...


I read somewhere else that the touch Id should be turned off before starting the repair. As far as why it would come and go at random, I am at a loss if all the related connections are seated properly. It only leaves 2 possibilities, damaged components related to the touch Id or motherboard. Is the metal plate still under the extension cable connector at the touch I'd? Another tech told me that the metal plate must remain attached but I have transferred it if it became detached and had no problem.


Turning off touch id I have never seen before, but...The first one I had the issue with, the touch id was in fact off. The first phone, metal plate, everything was transferred. Second phone, there was no metal plate. First phone STARTED working two days later on its own, second phone STOPPED working two days later on its own. There is no rhyme or reason to it. These are the only two I have ever had a problem with and they are both 6+. Everything to me points to software due to it being the same model and right around the same time.


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Maybe you guys should try to turn off the touch id (or delete fingerprint data) in the settings before turning off the phone then disconnect the battery and like Bobby Gorden said, press the power for about 30 seconds to discharge the remaining power in the mainboard.. then transfer all the original components (try not to damage any flexcables and dont forget te small metalplate underneath). After that, try to connect the flexcable of the homebutton first, then the flexcable from the backshield to the logicboard then the rest of the lcd/digitizer cables to the other connectors. Restart the phone, and try the touch id settings again.

If these steps works, please let me know maybe i can get some better advice from others instead..

Thanks in advance.

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Ok. My 20cents on this. Got the screen for my daughter.

Followed instructions replacement was fast, 1 hr. Home button fingerprint reader does not work.

After reading this post, I opened again the phone, moved the home button to the cracked screen. It works. Back to the new screen, it does not work.

So if everyone really have a solution it will be appreciated.

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Which phone and where is the small metal plate from under the connector that the home button connects to?


Have you try to reuse the metal plate with the flex cable of the cracked screen ?

For me it was the solution to restore the Touch ID functionality with my new screen ? Sometimes it seems the flex cable coming with new screen is not operational...


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I'm an electronics repair guy here in Hawaii. I have had problems in the past with the Touch ID not working after a repair. I have repaired them by installing a new home flex. The entire plate on back of LCD plus the home flex cable. I have done the repair with and without the small plate mentioned above. I always transfer it but I have made one work without it. I feel that the male end where the button connects is very fragile. If you don't heat the glue before removing your odds of damaging it are high. If you have damaged it buy a new back plate with home flex and it should get you going again.

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I replaced my iPhone 6 screen but then the Touch ID wasn't working until I replaced the whole metal shield with the long flex cable and it's working fine now

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Hey Anders, the touch ID functionality will not work if the button flex cable is damaged. It also is paired with the board (so unless you can micro-solder the original chip from the flex onto a new flex, it will not work, this is what apple specialists do when you take it to them.) Try cleaning the contacts with isopropyl alcohol, if it doesn't work, your best and only bet to save it's functionality is to cough up some cash and take it to Apple, if you deem it worth it.

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Apple does not do repairs. Give them a call.


They offer Out-Of- Warranty repairs. They are not cheap.


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I just replaced broken screen of my iphone 6, with another iphone 6 that I bought of craigslist. Installation was easy but after reassembling, the touch id was given error of " unable to complete touch id setup". Initially I thought I broke the home button wire during installation. But then I removed the screen and put it back to its actual iphone, and surprisingly touch id worked fine on its orignal iphone. Then I simply removed touch id button from my original broken screen and replaced it with the new screen(the one I bought from craigslist) and reinstalled it on my iphone and viola, it worked without any isssues.

So, moral of story is, iphone simply changed the error code from Error 53 to "unable to complete touch id setup". Phone can still be used with this error but touch id will not work.

Now I have a black screen with a white home button.

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This is screen change 101. Home buttons are programmed to the logic board. When swapping screens you must also swap the home button from the old screen to the new screen. Otherwise, touch abilities will not work but home button itself will function.


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Try this

Attention: You must follow these steps to make the new fingerprint sensor work and also avoid getting error 53 when you upgrade the firmware

1. Always backup your phone's data in iTunes before replacing the screen or do anything.

2. Before replacing the flex cable, go to settings to delete all previous fingerprint data, then turn off Touch ID & any passcode security.

3. Now proceed with the home button flex replacement.

4. After replacing the flex cable, connect the phone to computer, open iTunes, run a backup first then click "Restore Firmware" (not restore from backup). Note that all data will be wiped out on your phone and it will be upgraded to the latest firmware.

5. Now restore from backup to get your data back, or set up the phone as brand new. And you can finally turn on passcode security and set up Touch ID again.

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Remove all passwords and delete all finger prints before starting.

1) aftermarket home buttons will NOT have touch I'd, Touch I'd will only work on the original home button.

2) ALWAYS DISCONNECT THE BATTERY before disconnecting anything else.

3) Discharge the main board after disconnecting the battery by pushing and holding the power button

4) Remove the screen

5) Use extreme caution when disconnecting the home button connector

6) Use heat on the front of the screen around the home button area. If you cannot touch the screen you are using too much heat.

7) VERY GENTLY remove the home button.

8) Watching very carefully and using extreme caution lift under the metal plate under the home button flex connector.

9) Finish your screen swap.

I follow these steps EVERY time and by experience or by luck, I haven't had anymore Touch ID issues.

I hope this helps.

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I had this problem myself, if you reuse all original parts except for the screen and digitizer it fixes the problem. My guess is that it is the computer chip in the camera connection strip cluster that is the culprit in this case. I do not know why it affects the fingerprint sensor, but it seems to do just that.

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I had this problem but then I noticed that the home button cable that came with my new screen (the one with the shield on it (large metal plate)) was missing some contacts, so I replaced the new cable with the old cable and it worked perfectly

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You have to use both *the original home button* and *the original home button ribbon cable* to get the finger ID feature to work. The original cable is attached to the back of the face of the phone with very strong adhesive. So you have to use a heat gun or blow dryer and a small pry tool to pry it up. There’s a small, undetectable metal plate attached to the end of that cable. Be careful not to rip the cable from the metal plate that’s attached to it. Again, you can’t see it until after you’ve pryed the cable up. Good luck.

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Weird situation, I've done lots of screen replacements and they've all been smooth sailing in regards to switching the fingerprint reader over and ship it. But my wife's phone needed a new screen on her iPhone 6 A1549 64gb and I move the fingerprint sensor over and touch ID immediately doesn't work. So I put it back into the old screen and it works. Then I swap that metal plate behind the LCD, so the new LCD has the old metal plate and original fingerprint sensor, no avail. Bobby G. Is right about disconnecting the battery between swaps. This fixed my issue. So I put the old screen back on with the original fingerprint sensor, turned off the phone, opened up the phone keeping the original screen still connected and then disconnecting the battery, and removing the screen and then swapping the fingerprint sensor and plugging the shiney new LCD screen with original fingerprint sensor in then lastly reconnecting the battery. Viola! The sensor is detected and fully working.

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I just replaced a screen for iPhone 6 last night. The new screen came without ear piece, camera or home button.

I carefully moved all these over to the new screen.

After reassembled the phone the Touch ID did not work at first but the home button did.

I did a “reset all settings” from the Settings and voila it all wore again.

Maybe that all you need to do!

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