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The first generation Neon was introduced in January 1994 and manufactured until August 1999. It was available as a four-door notchback sedan and a two-door notchback coupe.

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Car has no spark but turns over doge neon 1998

Put in a water pump, crank shaft sensor cam shaft sensor on a dodge neon 1998 the car turns over but no spark

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Thank you we will try it and let you know.


You replaced all those parts because it did not have a spark?


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I'm not a mechanic,but I have been around automobiles all my life. You could be having a couple of things going on after you had the engine apart as much as you did. Wires loose or not on and or broken if they are original to the Neon. Another common problem is the relays or a major breaker. They should be in the same fuse box under the hood. The best way to test it is to have some one with gloves on pull each spark plug wire one at a time while you crank the car over. Hold the wire contact close enough to the plug to spark if it can. That should give you a good starting point for you to be able to back track from that point. Good luck.

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