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The Canon EOS Rebel T2i is a continuation of Canon's entry-level line of DSLR cameras, the Rebel series. Also known as the EOS 550D and the EOS Kiss X4.

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Can the Sensor if DSLR can be replace?

i was cleaning the sensor of my canon 550D then it was hot at that time when i cleaned and peek at the sensor a drop of my sweat fell into the sensor and i wiped it with cotton buds to dry it off. when i already done wiping eat theres this like a scar of wet that never goes away. its been 3 weeks it still the there. it can still take very good pictures but when i take a picture on a white background i can notice small blacks (the wet scars) when zoomed in on Video mode.. pls. help. can the sensor of this can be replace or can be fixed through a canon service center. sorry for my bad english..

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Hi Patrick,

Here is a discussion on cleaning the sensor of a Canon DSLR: http://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/29...

However, I would get in contact with Canon right away and would explain what happened. They would surely know what to do next and would also be able to tell you a price for a possible repair.

Another way of fixing the issue (however, you would need to know how to do it - practically and technologically) is to get you a broken T2i with a working sensor and replace the sensor. See, for example, here: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=can...

I hope this helps.


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