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Mid 2006 / Model Number: A1181 / black or white case / 1.83 or 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo processor

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Can I swap a display from a core duo to a core2?

I have a Macbook 13 core duo model for parts and i was wondering if i can just swap whole display to a macbook 13 core 2 duo model? Is there any difference in the 2 models diplay in connectors.

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What is the problem with the screen you are trying to replace? The screen itself (the bare screen, minus the hinge, bezel, etc.) will definitely work in either machine, so if you're just trying to replace a cracked screen or whatever, I'd recommend popping off the bezel and hinge cover, and replacing the screen itself. It's an easier procedure than replacing the whole enclosure with the screen inside it. Here's a video:


It's a good video, and not only that, but the person doing the demonstration is a GIRL! (I wasn't aware there were any girls doing laptop repair...who woulda thunk it? :-)

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I dunno, back when I was a Navy tech I worked for a good looking PO1 who was a great tech. She also introduced me to cigars--a habit I quit when I got married. +


Neat video +


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I have replaced a display on a core 2 duo before, and the core duo looks exactly the same as far as where the connectors are located. I would say yes.

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Sounds good to me. + Ralph


Airport cable may be different.


Thats what I was thinking Lemerise, but as I looked over the core duo's Airport card, it has the same 2 cable card, unlike the older models which have 3; black, grey, and blue.


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raul будет вечно благодарен.
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