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Model A1502 / 2.4, 2.6, or 2.8 GHz dual-core Intel processor / Released October 2013

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My MacBook Pro speaker is cracking

When I volume up the speaker its has a bit cracking sounds. But I don't sure that it is Left or Right one. But its really a little bit crack if you don't raise it until the limit they won't any cracking sound. How can I check that my speaker are still good or not

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Sherri, would a you share how you determined the timeline of programs installed? Are you talking just about program in you application folder or or programs as well.


Mine is a 15" macbook pro. I can only fined recommended parts for 13". Can someone please direct me?


I am facing the same issue (cracking right speaker) with a MacBook Air M1 chip 2020.


Same Problem with my Macbook Pro M1 14" - sometimes speaker makes cracking noise


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Ответов (8)

Выбранное решение

Go into the sound control panel and alter the balance setting so you bias one speaker over the other. Then crankup the volume. Which one is it?

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I just wanted to thank you! I never would have thought that going into the sound preferences and changing the alert sound would fix it, but sure enough it did. I play around with audio setups all the time due to music software and didn't think I changed it to the blow sound effect, but I must have. I may have brought it into apple for a repair. It's a desktop so I'm not a fan of moving it anywhere. Thanks again!!!!


not worked for me


Vijay the tip was so you could figure out which speaker is damaged in its self it won't fix your problem unless you have the volume set to high. Once you know which speaker you can then replace it.


Fantastic!! I can't believe it was so easy to fix - thank you. I've been putting up with rubbish sound for about a month now. My right speaker is fine, left is rubbish, so adjusted to be maximum right output, and it now sounds fabulous again. I'm fine with it being lopsided - just needs to sound clear. Thank you so much!


I adjusted mine and the awful crack sound is gone. Dalu!!!!


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Check your System preferences/Sounds/Sound Effect tab.

See if there is a sound effects selected, mine was Blow effect, hence the output sounds is crackling.

And I never set this sound effect before, maybe is the original setting from the new OS.

Uncheck the [Play user interface sound effects]

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This worked for me. Thanks man.


I changed from funk to blow and problem gone. Thanks!


Uncheck the [Play user interface sound effects] = this help me a lot! just 1 tick!


can i know my macbook pro 2013 model, left side speaker sounds cracking . how to solve or off left side spaker


not worked for me


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Just to add on I had replaced mine old 2010 macbook speakers before, it sounds awful and i opened up to check. the speaker foam has been disintegrated.

If you had tried the above solution by users and the sound is still bad, open up your mac and check

MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Late 2013 Left Speaker Replacement

MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Late 2013 Right Speaker Replacement

Some good work around


MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Late 2013 Right Speaker Изображение


MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Late 2013 Right Speaker Replacement



15 - 30 minutes

MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Late 2013 Left Speaker Изображение


MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Late 2013 Left Speaker Replacement



20 minutes - 2 hours

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I made a video on how to fix this issue once and for all.


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Very Helpful, made me realise which speaker was the problem and saved me a lot of money. Thanks brother!


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If you’re using a DAW like logic and you have your I/O buffer size any lower than 128 samples and your core audio is enabled then you need to set it to 128 and it’ll fix your problem

go to logic - system preferences - audio - I/O buffer size

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Worked for me actually at 256, thank you so much, been looking for the answer for months, almost sent my mac for repairs!!


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Hey guys, I found the fix here https://www.howtogeek.com/670635/how-to-...

I ran the command:

sudo killall coreaudiod

and it helped ?

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Mine is a 15” and iFixit with some white glue - instead of iReplaceit ;)

Just gave it an hour after applying the glue and is working just fine :D

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My MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015) speaker sound crack on high volume. Is this software problem or hardware issue for which I have to pay for repair.

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Having the same issues with the 2013 model. Seems to be isolated to the right speaker. At full volume sounds like cracking. Tried resetting SMC and PRAM but nothing.


how did u repair it plz suggest me?


Same problem but on left side, I think the speaker foam on left side has been damaged, that's why lots of crackling noises on left speaker of my MacBook Pro Mid-2015 Retina display. I just selected system preference - sound - balance (to reduce crackling on left, scroll the pointer on bar to right side and vice versa) but this is just temporary, In my opinion , I need to change the internal speaker,


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