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Announced on October 16, 2014, identifiable by the model number A1347 and EMC 2840.

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Is there any possibility to replace my mac mini power button?

is there any possible to replace mac min power button

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Can you give us some more info here. Like why you think you need to replace it.


It depends on your model. I just posted a detailed description on replacing the original one with a new push-button switch.... on a pre-2010 polycarbonate case Mini. My old power button was (a) awkward to access (b) unreliable in function needing multiple pushes to actuate.


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It's covered under warranty, why do you feel it needs replacing?

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Оценка 4

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its that true

The warranty is under covered ?


Visit an Apple Store ASAP your time is running out! Most likely it is covered. If not they can at least tell you whats wrong for free!


It's covered,

Introduction Date: October 16, 2014


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Yes it is, Here is an easy guide to follow.

i also attach a link to the part.

let me know if you need any more help.

good luck.

Mac mini Late 2014 Power Supply Replacement


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Im not impressed with ur answer

Give me another 1?


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