LCD does not display images correctly

The LCD on my 5D Mark II is showing this.

I can control the camera, cycle through pictures, access menus, take pictures, download them to the computer, etc, but I can't actually see what I'm doing because it's all distorted. I recently replaced its:

Main board

Mirrorbox cable

Battery PCB

LCD screen

LCD cable

Top LCD assembly

This problem happened the first time I reassembled it myself.

Anything that would help me find out what to replace would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

A little more background to the problem:

Back in March, I took my 5DMKII to Hawaii, and somehow managed to get salt water in it. I started getting an error 70. The shop I bought it from told me it would cost about $1000 to fix. After finding the parts on eBay for a lot less, I decided to fix it myself. Everything that was visibly water damaged has now been replaced. The error 70 is now gone, but this other problem is not.

I am no professional but I have reasonable experience building PCs, fixing Playstations, replacing iPhone screens, batteries, etc.

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When changing the main PCB, did you transfer the settings from old to new PCB?

How did you do that?

Regarding your display issue, have you tried reconnecting the LCD cables?


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