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2.4GHz, 2.7GHz, or 2.8GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache. Released February 2013.

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MacBook Retina Pro 2013 - Broken Right Fan ZIF socket

I recently spilled beer on my laptop (Early 2013 15' Macbook Pro Retina), resulting in some corrosion on the connection between the logic board and the top case/keyboard. I soaked it in iso alcohol and removed the corrosion with a fine brush. After putting it together, it works fine (as far as I can tell)!

Unfortunately, when re-assembling the laptop, I broke the retaining flap on the right fan ZIF socket. For reference, it's the socket shown here:


The socket is still intact, and the cable fits in it, but I think without the plastic latch/flap the cable won't engage. I put some electrical tape under the cable to hold it parallel but that doesn't help it engage with the socket.

I ran the apple hardware diagnostic tool (startup while holding the 'D' key) and it gave me this error - 4MOT/4/40000002 - Right-Side-0. It seems like the laptop can't recognize the right fan without the socket being locked down.

Is there any way to fix just the flap? Or the ZIF socket? I have some experience doing SMD soldering so it's not out of the realm of possibility to replace the socket itself if I can find the part.

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Thanks! Do you know any UK distributors that stock this part?


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Выбранное решение

Cam Bennett, the connector is a FF14A-5C-R11DL-B-3H. It is available at places like this and many others. The only proper way to fix this would be to replace the connector.

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How did you fixed this? Same problem here

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I'm sure Cam got the replacement connector from part info and link @oldturkey03 gave her. Then either had the skills to replace it or got someone with micro soldering-skills to do it for her.


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