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The Xbox 7MN-0001 Wireless Controller, was manufactured by Microsoft Corporation. It is the first generation Xbox One controller released, but has since been discontinued. This controller has since been superseded by Models 1697/1698 and Model 1708. While this controller is commonly used with the Xbox One, it can also be used for PC gaming.

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My right trigger thinks I'm holding It down

My right trigger thinks I'm holding It down. I think my hall effect sensor is broken but I know nothing about those

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mine does this too! when I press the button down it doesn't work but when i'm not pressing it thinks im pressing


Its doing that to me to i'm just going to get a whole other controller.


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my son cleans his PlayStation controller with isopropyl alcohol and compressed air . As he puts it the oil from his sweaty palms seeps down into the controler and gums up the works , so what he does is runs a little isopropyl alcohol into the controler buttons and joysticks , then blows them out with compressed air. Cleans out the oil. Hope this helps

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should mention if the controller stick is loose or moves too freely then the piece is just broke and this wont help


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I have the same problem, I think maybe can solve this by getting the hall effect sensor from another controller, or maybe take the sensor of the other trigger and cut it in two pieces and put each part in his respective place.

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Same it is very annoying

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I really don’t know how to stop it sorry

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