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totally damaged stripped screw

Hi, I was trying to replace my middle frame chassis. Just got the order yesterday and was too impatient to wait until next day to go to a Service Centre. So tries doing it myself without proper tools :(

I damaged one screw with a small screwdriver but successfully removed the others with a scalpel.

Now I have tried all remedies tape/rubber/glue etc. Nothing worked and now my screw is TOTALLY screwed. I mean no screwdriver can ever remove it..

Only solution that looks feasible is to cut out the plastic around the screw with a hot knife or solder iron or something but I'm scared of damaging something underneath.

It's the screw on the lower left (not corner, a little above)

What should I do. I know I did a stupid thing but... it's done. Any help?

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Thanks for your reply.

What kind of drill would it require? I'm assuming a special one.

Is it something the Samsung Service Centre guys would have? Bcz I have absolutely no such tools.

Any idea what lies underneath or in proximity to this screw that might get damaged?


So I went to samsung service centre but they refused to do anything.

Another good guy used his soldering iron to melt the plastic around and pop it off!

So problem solved.

But there is a new problem now. My home key and the capacitive menu key are doing the same function. Both are behaving like menu key. So I no longer have a key that functions as home key!

The guy said I must have damaged something while trying to remove the frame :(

Any ideas guys?


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Выбранное решение

If you can't grab it, drill it until the head is gone. Then remove the frame. If the screw can be grabbed now, unscrew it (don't pull it out, unscrew it) using fine pliers . If not, leave it in. You'll be able to remove the frame but won't be able to insert a new screw in. It is ok to skip one screw here.

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