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The HTC EVO is a Smartphone by HTC powered by a 1-GHz Snapdragon processor and runs the Android operating system.

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Water between the glass panel and the inner case?

My Evo fell in a cup of watter. Gave it an alcohol bath and have had it in a bag of rice for about a week. When I power it up everything seems to work fine except for some liquid remaining between the outer glass panel and the inner case. Do I have to follow all the steps for replacing the panel or can I just start with step 20 and not take it completly apart and clean the panels?

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Seeing as the front glass panel is attached via adhesive I believe you can just start at step 20, once you get that glass off you can use a paper towel to soak up the water. Make sure all water is gone before ressembling.

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Thank you, I ended up taking the whole thing apart anyway, with only a minor mishap, sort of tore the ribbon for the front facing camera, oops. Got everything cleaned and put back and it still works. Only problem is that there is still liquid showing on the screen, must have gotten inside the lcd somehow. May replace it at a later date.


Good luck with that then- if you found my answer acceptable please mark it as such so this question can be marked as resolved. Thanks.


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when I removed my screen, it wasn't the glass screen, the parts stuck to it and a white sheet of plastic or something came out... messed up the corner of my lcd. Also when I tried to dab water drop with paper towel, it smeared and now won't come off. I guess I just totally messed up the cosmetic aspect of the phone. Now I have a gray spot on the right top corner, black nothingness on left corner where the lcd screen tore or something... and bottom left corner is bright white. Should have bought the black tie when I bought the phone yesterday. $400 down the drain.

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I have an HTC Aria which I dropped in a cup of cold coffee. Same problem - liquid underneath screen. Using step 20 as a guide, I took a hair dryer and melted enough of the adhesive to make a little hole and the coffee came right out. Put it in a bag of rice overnight to completely dry out and it seems to work fine.

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