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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это маленькая версия iPhone 6 Plus с 4.7-дюймовым экраном.

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Battery smoking whilst trying to remove

Hi i was trying to remove an iphone 6 battery so tried prying it out like the instructions says, however i believe i bent and pierced the battery and it started smoking for a few seconds.

is it safe to continue taking it out, or will the phone catch on fire?

Update (09/06/2015)

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all done, had to pry, the pull tabs weren't strong and broke straight away. scary AF

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just attempted again, and sparked and smoked yet again


never try to extinguish it with water!!


Scary, but you got it done without burning the house down:-) make sure that you properly dispose of the battery. Remember that it is the lithium that reacts violently with humidity. I suggest aluminum foiled in a metal container:-)


my pull tabs broke so I had to do the pry of shame and caught fire. turned bright orange and smoked a lot.


My tabs were gone and the battery burst into flames and set me on fire. Be careful


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don't breathe the smoke or fumes that come off of one (Dangerous )

As the battery was having a charge and when you tried praying , it punchered it or in other-words shorted it.

that's why smoke is created.

wear some special glove heat resistive and eye protection.

wait for until 1 day , let it discharge first.

Hope this will help.

Kind Regards

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What if I breath it in because I did yesterday and my chest hurts and I feel light headed and I am only 13


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sunny1, as long as it is disconnected your device will be okay. The Lithium inside your battery is reacting with the humidity. Could it come on fire? Sure, but most likely not. It most likely will continue to smoke since you creating a bigger opening. Just stay away from water/high humidity. Now where the battery is destroyed, you have to remove it anyway.

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what happens if the battery is still plugged up to the phone when it shorts or smokes?


@edson71 should not have much impact since it shortens the battery but the circuit should be protect by the PCB in the battery. Replace the battery and re-evaluate


i put a new battery but the phone still doesnt want to turn on


@edson71 time to post your own question so we can get you some help with this. https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/Ask and give as much detail as possible.


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don't breathe the smoke or fumes that come off of one (it smells sweet)

on an iphone 6 you shouldn't have to pry, use the pull tabs on the bottom in the future. It helps to keep them from breaking if you remove the charge port assembly first. Once you start pulling, don't stop or it'll rip

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Did the exact same thing. I just put it in the bin at school, probaly not a good idea , if it's still there I will dispose of it the right way.

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I put my battery in a bag with ice and water to cool it down, is that the correct thing to do?

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