Battery smoking whilst trying to remove
Hi i was trying to remove an iphone 6 battery so tried prying it out like the instructions says, however i believe i bent and pierced the battery and it started smoking for a few seconds.
is it safe to continue taking it out, or will the phone catch on fire?
Update (09/06/2015)
all done, had to pry, the pull tabs weren't strong and broke straight away. scary AF
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7 Комментариев
just attempted again, and sparked and smoked yet again
из sunny1
never try to extinguish it with water!!
из Johnny Martini
Scary, but you got it done without burning the house down:-) make sure that you properly dispose of the battery. Remember that it is the lithium that reacts violently with humidity. I suggest aluminum foiled in a metal container:-)
из oldturkey03
my pull tabs broke so I had to do the pry of shame and caught fire. turned bright orange and smoked a lot.
из Tobias Sinclair
My tabs were gone and the battery burst into flames and set me on fire. Be careful
из kellimccfc
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