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My iPod wont charge but my home button is broken.

My ipod 5 got really really dead and wouldn't even turn on anymore, I plugged it in to see if it would charge and it would not. No matter if it is plugged into my laptop or the wall outlet, most answers for a non-charging ipod involve the home button and the power button, my home button is broken and I can not press it. What else am I supposed to do in order to get to turn back on??

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Leave it plugged in for the next 24 hours and see if it comes back to life. Check your dock connector to make sure there is no damage or debris inside. Once there is enough of a charge the ipod should boot up. If it requires a reset then the boton would have to be repaired , though you could also do a DFU restore via itunes (which will remove your data from the ipad). I would start with leaving it plugged in overnight then go from there.

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I am using a charger not a dock connector, but I am going to try this and see what I can do. does it remove everything? pictures music everything?


Sorry I meant the docking port in the bottom of the ipod. Performing a DFU restore will remove everything but if you have an iCloud backup you can just restore from that.


Okay- would you mind giving me step by step on how to to do the DFU restore??


From a quick Google search:

Entering DFU Mode on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

Plug your device into your computer with a USB cable.

Turn off the device.

Hold the Power button for 3 seconds.

Hold the Home and Power buttons for 10 seconds.

Release the Power button but keep holding the Home button.

After about 15 seconds you will be alerted by iTunes saying that it has detected a device in Recovery Mode.

Make sure the device screen is blank and no logos are present


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Mikala you will not be able to get into DFU mode or any other mode. You need the home button for that. Use this guide to repair it and replace your battery while you are at it. Then re-evaluate for any futher issues.

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