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Announced October 22nd and released November 12th, 2013. The iPad mini 2, also known as the iPad mini with Retina Display, has all the pixels of the iPad Air in a smaller 7.9" form factor.

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Why does Airplay misrecognize my computer as speakers?

At work/school, we use the Reflector app and a D-Link Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter to allow mirroring from iPads onto the computer screen. Normally, when using Airplay in these classrooms the computer with Reflector turned on will show up as an option for Airplay like below:

Block Image

On the four iPads that are recognizing the computers as speakers, it looks like this:

Block Image

They all have iOS 9.0.2. and the D-Link and the iPads are on the same WiFi. I've also tried reinstalling iTunes and Reflector and restoring the iPads. The problem seems to originate from the iPads themselves, not the PC's or their iTunes programs. All the settings look the same but I did notice a difference in the availability of home sharing in the general settings on the iPad.

On the malfunctioning iPads the menu's look like this:

Block Image

Even when turned on off it still doesn't work:

Block Image

On the iPads that display Airplay the way I want it the home sharing option is not available:

Block Image

I've been troubleshooting this for over two weeks now and I would greatly appreciate any help.

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Reflector 1 was not compatible with iPad iOS 9. Upgraded to Reflector 2 on the PC and the iPad finally recognized the computer as a computer, not a speaker.

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I am having issues with Reflector 2 as well.

My Airplay is taking my computer as speakers.

Am Using IPAD AIR2 with iOS 9.2.1


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Block Image

I am having issues with Reflector 2 as well. My Airplay is taking my computer as speakers.

Am Using IPAD AIR2 with iOS 9.2.1

Please help.

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Do you have an older version of Reflector still installed? If so, I would reinstall both versions and reinstall Reflector 2. That's happened to me before.


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