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Announced on October 16, 2014, the iPad Air 2 is a thinner successor to the iPad Air.

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Rectangle surrounds "slide to unlock" & passcode won't work

I've held the home & power buttons down for the 10 seconds recommended, then when boots up there's a rectangular line surrounding the "slide to unlock". When it DOES allow the passcode page to appear (won't always do or takes a lot of time), there's also the same skinny rectangle going from screen edge to edge surrounding the passcode icons that always fill in as passcode is entered; those icons do not "fill in" when passcode is attempted & the # entered is slow to respond or won't respond at all. The circle surrounding the # entered becomes framed by a square, which has never happened in the past. The I-pad will not respond to my passcode & the last time I tried I got that stupid fast-talking-annoying-lady-voice who plagued my I-phone not long ago & caused me to lose all info & had to return phone. Stupidly I don't/didn't even KNOW how to back up my info or pictures & suspect I'm in for a big fat headache/heartache if I have to erase & re-start through I-tunes, if even THAT will work!! Any help gladly welcome.

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Sounds like VoiceOver is activated, you can deactivate this feature simply by slightly pressing 3 times on the home button fast. Then the stupid squares and voice will stop and it might help you proceed.

Depending on what version of iOS you are running, if an update is available through iTunes, go ahead and do it, there was a bug with some phones with the iOS 9 that prevented some phones and some iPads from booting correctly.

Start by removing the VoiceOver functionnality, you should be fine afterward.


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Hi Bruno,

Thanks for your willingness to help me get my I-Pad Air II back on track..

'Attempted pressing the home button 3 times rapidly as you advised 5 times. I also tried rebooting first,. I still have the lines & am not able to log in & the stupid lady on speed. without success. My biggest fear is losing the information & pictures stored.

Question for you: is there a chance if I attempt to install any update through ITunes that my information will be lost?

Am also wondering if I might have caused this by going to websites with potential virus' as I research collectibles & gift items I buy to re-sell (no hanky-panky websites!).

The reason I finally went with Apple products is I was told they are very virus resistant & safe. Am I wrong?

Thanks again, Bruno. Any further help appreciated!


If updates are made withtout doing a restore, you won't lose any datas. If although the update force a restore on the device you'll lose the current informations stored in it.

If any updates are available, you should try doing them, that my save the whole thing.

Good luck!


Same thing happened on my iPhone 11. A colored, rectangular box encircled whatever IT deemed the most important info. The words “back”, “return”, “select”. It was MAKING ME NUTS! THEN, I did some Googling, saw that touching the home button three times might fix it. iPhone 11. No home button. . Instead, I pushed in the main, right side control bar three times and… THE RECTANGLES DISAPPEARED! And, NO ONE at Apple had ever even HEARD of this! But, I am so happy now. Thanks!


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VERY EASY!!!! When a circle appears around a number you tapped for a passcode, double tapp in quick succession and it will register. Repeat till the code is complete. THEN in Settings switch off the Voice Over!!!!

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Thank you Annie! The home button tip didn't work for my iphone, but the triple tapping on each number did. Very relieved and grateful!


My comment is below, it works!!


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Same horrible thing was happening on my iPhone 11. A colored, rounded-off rectangular box was encircling whatever IT deemed the most important info on the page. The words “back”, “return”, “select”. The top row of the passcode keypad! Any message I’d type. It obscured other parts of the page, was bi-colored and it also TICKED! It was driving me CRAZY. Particularly when the “Geniuses” at support thought I was crazy. Had me on the phone for over TWO HOURS and… no joy. THEN, I did some Googling, arrived here, and I saw, suggested above, that touching the home button three times might fix it. iPhone 11. No home button. . So, instead, I pushed in the main, right side control bar three times and… THE RECTANGLE DISAPPEARED! POOF! GONE! It had something to do with VO, or guided access, but WHATEVER! And, NO ONE at Apple had ever even HEARD of this whole thing! Pathetic. But, I am so happy now! No more rectangles and no more ticking! Thanks!

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I have an IPad Pro (12.9”) 3rd generation with no home button. Same problems - locked screen, fast talking, no touch response, and rectangles and weird stuff popping up on the screen when I tried to access it. I googled how to hard restart it and voice over was still on when it rebooted. Checked this thread and… KEITH you are my flippin’ HERO!!! Your technique of pressing the top and main control three times in quick succession worked immediately - the voice over turned off and I was able to get in!!! THANK YOU!!!! I normally wouldn’t throw my 2 cents in any jar but I am so relieved I didn’t have to drive this sucker 3 hours to an Apple store I had to get on here and TESTIFY! Thank you again, and just know you’ve made a random persons day better by sharing what you know :)


Keith you have just saved me!! iPhone XR, no home button.. but hitting the lock button 3 times has worked. Thank you!!


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Press the home button three times in rapid succession and the ipad will be restored to normal

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the home button doesnt work


John- you saved my sanity. I spent a preposterous amount of time trying to turn on my iPad Pro 12.9 5th generation without Siri holding me hostage. You're a good man, John.


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Hi, I turned on my voiceover and zoom button because I was curious about this feature, well, it killed my access to my iphone5, a very old phone I know, so I was blaming its age. My husband told me to buy a new one but I had so much info etc on this phone that I didn’t want to loose. My experience with a white rectangle box surrounding EVERYTHING I touched eventually drove me nuts!!! I read through your string of answers, and decided on Annie’s suggestion as previous attempts tapping on the passcode squares didn’t work for me but I think I was in a ‘brassed off state’ by then, that I was practically bashing the passcodes more times than necessary??

SO, 1. tap on your first passcode # once, a white ring will appear around the number, then tap twice, the passcode will light up, repeat this process with the rest of your numbers and your phone immediately opens.
2. Go to Settings, tap once, a black rectangle will appear, then tap twice in the rectangle and settings will open, I found I couldn’t scroll up or down to General, so I touched Notifications at the bottom of the screen, that scrolled the screen up where I could see General. 3. Repeat the process, tap once on General, a black rectangle appears then tap twice and General opens 4. Accessibility, Repeat the tapping process 5. Voice Over, Repeat tapping process, yay!! You are almost there! 6 turn off Zoom and magnifier. 7. I remember I lowered the speaking rate (didn’t realise it was for SIRI) however that automatically goes back to normal.
Thanks Annie?

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this saved my booty, thank you three years later!!!!!!!!


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My boyfriend and I are US citizens traveling abroad to Spain- unfortunately the sams thing happened to his phone last night- squares would appear over icon box and passcode box, cancel box, etc. Siri even seemed to glitch and repeat the same words over and over activiating SOS. My boyfriend has been so sad the past 16+ hours- not for the phone, but the pictures and memories. After doing more research today, and stumbling upon your response- Bruno, I can’t thank you enough! It indeed was the Voice over feature that had accidentally been activated. After pressing home 3 times-sure enough voice over was checked. We unchecked it and his phone works again!

Thank you So So much!!! You are a memory saver!!


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Same horrible thing was happening on my iPhone 11. A colored, rounded-off rectangular box was encircling whatever IT deemed the most important info on the page. The words “back”, “return”, “select”. The top row of the passcode keypad! Any message I’d type. It obscured other parts of the page, was bi-colored and it also TICKED! It was driving me CRAZY. Particularly when the “Geniuses” at support thought I was crazy. Had me on the phone for over TWO HOURS and… no joy. THEN, I did some Googling, arrived here, and I saw, suggested above, that touching the home button three times might fix it. iPhone 11. No home button. . So, instead, I pushed in the main, right side control bar three times and… THE RECTANGLE DISAPPEARED! POOF! GONE! It had something to do with VO, or guided access, but WHATEVER! And, NO ONE at Apple had ever even HEARD of this whole thing! Pathetic. But, I am so happy now! No more rectangles and no more ticking! Thanks!


Thank you. Pushing right side button worked for me.


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Hello,the home button doesnt work and ipad is locked what can I do to get disappear the blue outline?

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