I'd like to add my success story.
My problem that lead me here was really, really poor Bluetooth, along with bad GPS (off by roughly 0.1 miles). GPS was useless for map directions and exercise apps.
I used app "GPS Status" by PocketGPSWorld.com to compare to other iPhones and mine showed "Poor Fix" with a horizontal accuracy of 65M. Speed and Course were listed as "Invalid". I presume this meant it would suck for direction/course based apps. Other iPhones showed significantly better info.
I bought the F-Type antenna for $4.90 here. Note: this item doesn't come with the tools for disassembly, so if you don't already have a kit, you'll have to buy that too.
I got the part and proceeded to disassemble my phone according to these instructions. When I opened my iPhone, the "sticker" that has been mentioned in this thread, which looks and tests like it's a piece of conductive foam, was a little scrunched up, moved and sticking to the underside of the metal camera housing. It certainly looked very out of place. Mine was a little too scrunched up to save, so I continued with the full replacement of the F-Antenna.
Disassembly tips: Use a piece of paper and tape to ensure you don't lose screws, and you can tape screws to the paper in the orientation the were removed. There are many different thread/length screws inside, so don't assume you can put them in a pile and remember where they go.
The replacement was successful and a retest of my GPS showed a status of an "Excellent Fix", a horizontal accuracy of 5M and Speed and Course showing data. I think it's very likely that re-placing the foam, if intact, will solve many problems and is way easier than a full disassembly. It would only require opening the phone, no other part removal would be required. However, my thought here is that if it came loose once, it may come loose again. If you're up to the task, I'd say replace the antenna (which includes a newly stuck on foam) and you'll be better off for the future.
Thanks a million to this thread!
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I have been experiencing this problem as well. iPhone 6 / 64GB / 2months out of warranty. Genius Bar at Apple Store provided no solution. GPS is unable to track my movement, rendering fitness tracking and turn by turn navigation impossible. However, it can pinpoint my location if I'm stationary. Bluetooth can connect and function, but only from 3-5 feet away--no further. WiFi will connect only when in same room with access point. Signal strength is very weak or nonexistent when iPhone is moved to adjacent room.
After first noticing WiFi issues, I assumed replacing the Wi-Fi Antenna ($19.95 on this site) would fix the problem. Based on the symptoms described above, it's not just the WiFi.
Is there a single part/component that is responsible for WiFi/Bluetooth/GPS signal strength? @tomchai, you seem to be hinting with steps 29 and 30 that the grounding bracket be malfunctioning or perhaps loose? Would this cause the issues I've described above?
Thank you all for your time.
из cyclonepatriot
I'm having the same issue as well. I get the "GPS cone of confusion" if I have a simple plastic case on my iPhone 6 (no metal parts in the case to cause interference).
With or without a case on, Bluetooth range is really short now. I used to be able to walk around my entire house and have my Apple Watch stay connected. Now, even half the length of my house causes the two devices to disconnect. The Bluetooth range problem is even more obvious when streaming music to a Bluetooth speaker.
(I'm out of warranty, so I don't think I'll bother taking it to the Genius Bar)
из pkennethv
I am having the same issues. Did you finally found what the cause is?
из Vasileios
No, not yet. Hoping someone will read this post who's had a similar issue and knows of a fix.
из gatorflyer
Hi All,
Same issue here, iPhone 6 out of warranty, genius bar confirmed defective but I am not willing to pay for a replacement. Surely this can fixed by a replacement part?
Any help would be great
из Z N
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