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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это маленькая версия iPhone 6 Plus с 4.7-дюймовым экраном.

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GPS & Bluetooth work sporadically.

I have a 128GB iPhone 6, just out of warranty. Two days ago, the GPS signal and Bluetooth connections weakened. They still work, but GPS shows a cone of confusion about 100 feet wide, making navigation and fitness tracking impossible. Bluetooth works within about 3 feet, but any more than that, it cuts out.

My phone is 25 days out of warranty, and Apple and AT&T were not helpful. Anyone have an idea of what the issue could be? WiFi works fine, as do calls, and the phone in is near-mint condition. Any ideas of what the problem could be?


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I have been experiencing this problem as well. iPhone 6 / 64GB / 2months out of warranty. Genius Bar at Apple Store provided no solution. GPS is unable to track my movement, rendering fitness tracking and turn by turn navigation impossible. However, it can pinpoint my location if I'm stationary. Bluetooth can connect and function, but only from 3-5 feet away--no further. WiFi will connect only when in same room with access point. Signal strength is very weak or nonexistent when iPhone is moved to adjacent room.

After first noticing WiFi issues, I assumed replacing the Wi-Fi Antenna ($19.95 on this site) would fix the problem. Based on the symptoms described above, it's not just the WiFi.

Is there a single part/component that is responsible for WiFi/Bluetooth/GPS signal strength? @tomchai, you seem to be hinting with steps 29 and 30 that the grounding bracket be malfunctioning or perhaps loose? Would this cause the issues I've described above?

Thank you all for your time.


I'm having the same issue as well. I get the "GPS cone of confusion" if I have a simple plastic case on my iPhone 6 (no metal parts in the case to cause interference).

With or without a case on, Bluetooth range is really short now. I used to be able to walk around my entire house and have my Apple Watch stay connected. Now, even half the length of my house causes the two devices to disconnect. The Bluetooth range problem is even more obvious when streaming music to a Bluetooth speaker.

(I'm out of warranty, so I don't think I'll bother taking it to the Genius Bar)



I am having the same issues. Did you finally found what the cause is?


No, not yet. Hoping someone will read this post who's had a similar issue and knows of a fix.


Hi All,

Same issue here, iPhone 6 out of warranty, genius bar confirmed defective but I am not willing to pay for a replacement. Surely this can fixed by a replacement part?

Any help would be great


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Had the same issue. Wifi, bluetooth, Gps signals were very weak. Replace the WiFi Antenna Signal Flex Cable Ribbon for $7 and everything is back to normal!!! I've been searching for an answer for a while now but this little part does the job!!!!!

Installation was very easy as long as you follow the instructions on taking the logic board out!!

Block Image

iPhone 6 Logic Board Antenna Flex Cable

Replace the antenna flex cable that has four connectors to the logic board compatible with the iPhone 6 model A1549, A1586, A1589 smartphone. Изображение


iPhone 6 Logic Board Antenna Flex Cable


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Thanks for the update! Was this fix for your iPhone 6?

I can't find the same cable for that price here - is it the same one as:

iPhone 6 Logic Board Antenna Flex Cable?

The photo is slightly different, and the one listed for the iPhone 6 is $19.95, but both images show part T306S.


When you say you had the same issue, could you confirm what your GPS issue would be? I don't have any Bluetooth or wifi issues, just gps


I really hope this can fix the same problem I've been having. Can you tell me where you got your replacement part? It cost twenty here.

How long did the repair take? I've changed batteries in an iPhone, but have never tinkered with a logic board before. Thanks!


Can anyone confirm changing this part worked? Also I've read that changing this part requires soldering so it is much more of an expert skilled job


The installation is very simple.... Follow the guide to remove logic board and no soldering required!!! Basically I had issues with no gps or sometimes gps is way off... Wifi signal was very weak and I had to put my phone very close to a Bluetooth device for it to pair..... This is a cheap fix that if you are experiencing what I experienced before...


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I have an even simpler answer that worked for me!

My problem was the F-cable as well. But I solved it without replacing the F-cable at all. Replacing the F-cable absolutely would have worked, but wasn't necessary.

When I opened up my iPhone 6, I could see part of the F-cable showing through near the top of the phone just left of center. I noticed that there's a small brass/bronze sticker on the F-cable. You can see that rectangular sticker in pictures of the F-cable on the web.

In my case, that sticker had shifted and was no longer covering the brass area underneath fully. I carefully lifted the sticker with the small plastic tool I used to separate the screen from the backing and reseated the sticker. Voila! Full signal and GPS again.

Beauty of this fix is all you need to do is remove the two pentalope screws, suction the glass up, then reseat the sticker. If your sticker is unseated, you don't need to unscrew anything on the inside. Reapply it in the right spot, and close it back up. 5 minute fix.

I suspect this is actually the problem most folks are having because it is hard to see how that cable fails or the connectors fail. But because the sticker seems to sandwich between the top plate and the F-cable, if you drop the phone you can see how the sticker might get pushed out of position. Clearly replacing the F-cable will solve the problem of the sticker having shifted, but if the only problem is the sticker shifted you can save yourself a ton of time and the cost of the cable by simply reseating the sticker.

Hope this helps!

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Replacing the flex cable cured my problem with inaccurate gps.

It turned out that the original f cable had one of it's connectors loose. This may have been the issue but I replaced it anyway and all is working


You may be on to something. I still have my old (malfunctioning) flex antenna (The "F" shaped one) and I do notice that the sticker looks sloppily positioned, like it is coming off. If I ever have the same problem in the future I'm going to try just repositioning the sticker first. Thanks!


I bought new flexcable and replaced. No effect. I bought the antenna and replaced. No effect. After a few weeks I open my whole phone again to see if there is any lose connection, but nothing as such. The strange thing is that I received the same amount of signals if I completely remove the antenna. Another thing I noticed is that my wifi works perfectly well when it's connected to a router at 5 GHz band. Only at 2.4 GHz it's working in 3-4 meters. Anybody any idea?


I can confirm this. I've had a similar behavior, and when I looked into the IPhone, I saw that there even was no "sticker" behind the cable. I dismounted the logic board and just put a piece of electric tape behind where normally that sticker would be. Maybe that Apple has saved some millions of dollars by no longer putting those stickers, and when the IPhone bends (which had been the case over here), then there's a short circuit - or, just pressing the cable back into its sockets has helped. Anyhow, the GPS and also the Bluetooth signal is good again.


well it helps for sure.. My "sticker" was also off the brass, covered it back up... and while its not perfect, it certainly helps. A lot... I can now go more than 2 ft from my phone! lol


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Check step 29-30 of this guide.

iPhone 6 Logic Board Replacement

Also check the F shaped RF cable on the back of the board.

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@tomchai, you seem to be hinting with steps 29 and 30 that the grounding bracket may be malfunctioning or perhaps loose? Would this cause the issues I've been experiencing as well? (Poor Bluetooth/WiFi/GPS reception) Thank you for your time.


Very likely.


@ cyclonepatriot, did this fixed your problem?


Can anyone confirm if this fixed the gps accuracy issue?


Hi tried this and can confirm it did not fix my iPhone 6 GPS issue


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My daughter's iPhone 6 had bad GPS signal ( would not work with maps), weak and unreliable bluetooth, poor wifi signal. Her phone has been messed up for 2 months. I also replaced the Main Logic Board Antenna Flex Cable 2 days ago and all is restored back to normal. Bluetooth works great, GPS works again with maps, WiFi works great. The Logic Board Antenna Flex Cable is a 1 inch long ribbon cable that is F shaped and a picture of it appears earlier in this thread. I found it online for about $6 which included the shipping and an iPhone tool kit.


The logic board antenna flex cable is located on the back side of the main logic board so you have to completely remove the Main Logic Board which is a chore but doable. I used the instructions for removing the Main Logic Board that are also posted earlier in this thread. There are a number of tiny screws of multiple sizes and so some organization of the screws is useful. I used the following hint: Take a blank sheet of printer paper and tape it to the countertop (so it will not slide around and mix up your screws) Draw a 1-2 in square box for each of the steps involving screw removal. In each box draw a circle in the position of each screw location for that step and put each screw in the appropriate location when removed. I also labled each box with the step number and the number of screws for that step. The steps are in the instructions earlier in this thread for removal of the Main Logic Board.

iPhone 6 Logic Board Replacement

Once the logic board is removed, turn it over and pop off the 4 connectors on the F shaped Main Logic Board Antenna Flex Cable and snap on the 4 connectors on the new flex cable to install on the board. Follow the steps in reverse order to reassemble. It took me 2.5 hours to complete the job but I also replaced the touch screen/digitizer as well because the glass was cracked. I could have done it in about half the time if I did not replace the front screen. This is an inexpensive fix for this big problem.

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Interestingly enough I poked around (while I am still waiting for my gps antenna order to arrive) and managed to get a somewhat usable enough accuracy by sticking a 3 layers thick of electric tape between the back case and the antenna flex.

I had unusable 65 meters accuracy at best and now I have 10 meters accuracy which based on "GPS Status" app by PocketGPSWorld is considered good. I'd prefer sub 10 but at least i can use my phone with waze and avoid traffic.

Playing around with the sticker on the flex cable didn't seem to realy change anything for me.

My guess is that the 4 connectors on the antenna flex cable dont make good contact. So playing around with the sticker as suggested in the thread is likely resolving the issue by really shimmering the connectors more than anything.

In my case I would bet a combination of frequent phone drops / hot temperatures / cold temperature resulted into my GPS (wifi , 3G) to give up.

UPDATE June 30, 2018: The tape trick worked so good that I didn’t bother going through the trouble of installing the new GPS antenna that I have received from iFixit!

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Jeff & jtint1981 have the solution! The foam conducting tape piece loses elasticity over time and can't maintain contact with the contact plate above it. So, re-position the conducting tape, shim the backside of the F-antenna to raise it so it brings the tape into tighter contact with the contact plate when the phone is closed and viola! - a new phone! Even with my shaky hands and poor eyesight I was able to accomplish this with my little smartphone toolkit from Walmart.


My iphone 6 gps accuracy and wifi signal gradually weaked over time thenI lost all connectivity at one point. GPS accuracy was something like +/-5 miles; so bad forget turn-by-turn directions. I read up on various do-it-yourself forums and learned about the wifi antenna F-connector replacement . Honestly at first replacing the F-connector wifi antenna looked too involved/too complicated/too risky. Frustration turned into motivation so I decided to give the wifi antenna replacement a try. Really the only hard part was the lots of tiny screw management to keep track of which one goes where later for when you re-assemble. I recommended that you take the same advice I found on another forum to use a piece of masking tape to set the screws on one-by-one as you remove them so you know the sequence to put them back in later on (there are 3 or 4 different size screws so if you mix them up its difficult to tell them apart, the masking tape keeps the screws from rolling around accidentally as you do the rework. Replacing the F-connector wifi antenna worked perfectly only for a few weeks. Then the gps accuracy and connectivity took another nose dive. Thankfully the story does not end there....

I found this tip from Jeff about the electrical tape spacer behind the wifi antenna F-connector. At first glance it seemed too simple to be true so I wasn't sure if that would solve my troubles - especially since I had already replaced the wifi antenna F-connector recently and only in a few short weeks the signal had already returned to the weak signal that I had before replacing the wifi antenna. I thought probably something else in the phone besides the wi-fi antenna must be going bad; perhaps a capacitor or resistor or diode or something at the board level. This spacer tip seemed too-easy-to-be-true. But the more I thought about it and how easy it would be to try I figured there's little to no risk and no cost involved to try. (only the 2 outer phone pentalobe screws to remove and open the clam-shell of the two phone halves to access the this area for adding in the spacer). Adding the spacer behind the wifi antenna F-connector only took a couple minutes - and this simple fix paid off immediately! I am now back to +/-10m accuracy on my gps and my turn-by-turn directions work once again! Any my wifi stays connected!

Now that I give it more thought it does make sense why this simple spacer-adder behind the wifi antenna works: The wi-fi antenna F-connector has button-like connections to the main board. Everytime you drop the phone (or during wifi antenna F-connector replacement when you pop the four button-like connectors apart and snap the new one in place) you'ved fatigued these tiny button-like connectors and they become looser. This tape spacer fix pushes upwards on the body of the wifi antenna F-connector....this holds a little extra pressure on the 4 button-like connectors to the wifi antenna to compensate for any fatigued loose connectors, just enough so that it keeps the wifi antenna connectors in place and your gps and wifi signal strong. It is so nice to have the turn-by-turn directions on my phone again! THANK YOU FOR THIS TIP OF ELECTRICAL TAPE SPACER BEHIND THE WIFI ANTENNA, JEFF!!! IT WORKS!


this is 2018 april, the tape works perfect, thanks


Jeff, thank you! Worked for me. Had screen and battery replaced at repair shop and then blue tooth would cut out when shaken and GPS wouldn't update while moving. After finding this, took back and told them it was obvious the antennae was loose. They said it was fine and to update ios, which is ridiculous. I bought a toolkit for $9 on Amazon, opened the phone, went through the iFixit guide to remove the control board, put the tape in and it worked. I also found the repair shop forgot to put the knock out screw back in, which probably caused it. Even without the screw, the tape solution worked to hold the antennae to the board tight! Brilliant!


I tried the shim idea, as the "foam" sticker appeared to be in the right place on our phone already. I did a triple-layer of tape (once folded on itself, then another square on top so that no sticky side was exposed.) Also "fluffed" up the foam a bit at the edges to encourage contact with the top body once the phone was closed. So far so good - 5-10m range on GPS, instead of the big blue circle. Thank you!!!


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Hold the power and home button at the same time don't let go until you see the apple logo. Give it a try if that doesn't work try reseting all settings and go to Compass and calibrate the compass.

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Omg!!! That electric tape shim worked wonderfully! I was about to give up, my gps hasn’t been working for a yr now I thought it was from software upgrade. I tried all resets, install uninstall, waze and google maps - didn’t work! I bought irepair tool from frys for $4.99, just unscrew those tiny screws and I didn’t have to unscreened anything inside. I just slipped in the electric tape under that F antennae, carefully! And voila! Magic!! Thanks Jeff


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My take on the GPS problem for iPhone 6:

GPS problem encountered (only when using LTE or 4G):

  • The google map could not place me accurately.
  • My location kept jumping around with in a radius > 1 km
  • Location was accurate only when connected to WIFI

After countless hours of research, I decided to try one solution after another with the increase in complexity:

(1) Tried soft troubleshooting as described on this link:


  • Result: problem unresolved''''

(2) F-Cable sticker:

Repositioned it several times. Here is a photo of the sticker on the F-Cable.


  • Result: problem unresolved

(3) Replace GPS antenna and F-Cable:

Bought the components from Amazon ($4.90 each)

Replaced both using the instruction from the following (mostly IFIXIT):

  • Result: SOLVED!!!

GPS signal evaluation:

  • Downloaded the app GPS Diagnostics from app store ($2.99). You can use any other apps if you want.
  • The App confirmed the GPS signal strength to above 80% and with an accuracy of +/- 10 meter.
  • It was a significant improvement from the accuracy being +/-1440 meter before the antenna and cable replacement.
  • GPS Diagnostic App" https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gps-diag...


  • Apple said that it would cost $299 to repair or to get a new phone.
  • Fixed the problem by spending $9.80.
  • Not sure if it was the F-cable or the GPS antenna that was malfunctioning but am happy that I got it fixed.

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Great guide, this was pure gold to me.

The antenna replacement resolved issue with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS.

Now iPhone 6 is working again"


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I'd like to add my success story.

My problem that lead me here was really, really poor Bluetooth, along with bad GPS (off by roughly 0.1 miles). GPS was useless for map directions and exercise apps.

I used app "GPS Status" by PocketGPSWorld.com to compare to other iPhones and mine showed "Poor Fix" with a horizontal accuracy of 65M. Speed and Course were listed as "Invalid". I presume this meant it would suck for direction/course based apps. Other iPhones showed significantly better info.

I bought the F-Type antenna for $4.90 here. Note: this item doesn't come with the tools for disassembly, so if you don't already have a kit, you'll have to buy that too.

I got the part and proceeded to disassemble my phone according to these instructions. When I opened my iPhone, the "sticker" that has been mentioned in this thread, which looks and tests like it's a piece of conductive foam, was a little scrunched up, moved and sticking to the underside of the metal camera housing. It certainly looked very out of place. Mine was a little too scrunched up to save, so I continued with the full replacement of the F-Antenna.

Disassembly tips: Use a piece of paper and tape to ensure you don't lose screws, and you can tape screws to the paper in the orientation the were removed. There are many different thread/length screws inside, so don't assume you can put them in a pile and remember where they go.

The replacement was successful and a retest of my GPS showed a status of an "Excellent Fix", a horizontal accuracy of 5M and Speed and Course showing data. I think it's very likely that re-placing the foam, if intact, will solve many problems and is way easier than a full disassembly. It would only require opening the phone, no other part removal would be required. However, my thought here is that if it came loose once, it may come loose again. If you're up to the task, I'd say replace the antenna (which includes a newly stuck on foam) and you'll be better off for the future.

Thanks a million to this thread!

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Man... Can't believe that I was already looking into possibly buying another iphone just because of a faulty GPS... That phone is so freaking expensive!!

So the foam is in fact conductive? Very good to know. I will do some adjustments with your post in mind and see if I can get a better GPS reception than 10M.


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As mentioned above, there is a little Sticker on the F-Cable for the BT/GPS/Wifi Antenna. This Sticker is NOT an isolator but a connector to the frame. After experiments with aluminum foil under and/or over the the cable, to ensure connection by pressure when the phone is put back together, I found the best solution is to scatch the sticker with a sharp tool … also scratch a bit on the opposite site under the cable and on the counter side on the displays back. It is connected on both sides. Maybe use contact-fluid with a q-tip as well. It might be corroded or was touched by your hand when you replaced battery or so . Then there is no more connection possible due to oxidation or grease from your fingers.

Here is a picture of the sticker: https://ibb.co/sQ4CgZP

For me it works now. I am back with Bluetooth, WLAN and GPS full signal again. After half a year my BT audio works again. You need to open the phone but do not need to remove any cables. It is done in less then five Minutes. Good luck.

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I never heard of contact fluid before. What do you recommend. When I was a tech we used gold and silver epoxy to attach parts, but I would like to hear about other options, thanks.


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Recently acquired an iPhone 6 with weak 2.4 and 5GHz wifi, Bt, GPS, and cellular signal. After studying the design, there are few ground and antenna contact points that needs attention after drops or just age. Generally, no new parts are necessary (likely just remaking better connection while replacing parts) In my case, just fluffing up a couple of ground contact patch area fixed it. Here is a pic and link to the summary


Block Image

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Just to add my experience, I was having the same issues mentioned above i.e. GPS not able to track route or pin down location accurately, very low bluetooth range.

Replacing the Wifi antenna signal flex cable took about 1 hour for me (a complete novice) and fixed the issue.

Many thanks!

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My iPhone 6 has issues lately: 1) bad GPS location service, off at least 100 yards; 2) poor blue tooth connection, work only within 4-5 feet; 3) wifi connection only works for 5 mHz, can connect to 2.4 mHz wifi, but only works within 4 feet distance from the router.

Found this thread days ago, ordered a Wi-Fi Antenna Flex Cable Ribbon from ebay ($3.50) and a simple iPhone tool set ($6), following the steps in the link provided above. In less than an hour, all issues are gone!!! Many thanks to everyone who share the great information!!!

An observation: the old Wi-Fi Antenna Flex Cable Ribbon doesn't seem to have any damage. I doubt why a replacement of a new antenna works just fine... However, I found the insulation material on the bottom of the phone at the upper left corner underneath the antenna connector seems to be damaged (could be caused by dropping of a iPhone). To avoid any complication, I put a small piece of electrical tape on each of the two connector heads. I am wondering if a NEW antenna is needed. Repairing the insulation material damage could fix the issues just fine. :)

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I had the same problem with my iphone 6. Weak bluetooth gps and wifi signal! After opening my cellphone I just realized the rectangularity lable on flex cable is moved and not seated in place which covered with copper. I just reseated the lable and it’s work. Now all my gps, wifi and bluetooth working very well. Also I think in many cases in commone problems it’s not necessary to replace total flex cable!!!


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A helpful tip for keeping all the screws in order is to use a magnet pad but if you dont want to buy one of those I just use the packing slip that has a sticky side and pop my screws on there! An bigger sticker would also work.

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In my case fixing the sticker location seems to have made a huge difference, BEFORE you replace the antenna, check this sticker out, I would venture to guess that a significant number of the replacement antennas people installed could have just needed the sticker moved.

The sticker is located in the top middle of the bottom half of the phone and can be accessed by just opening the phone without removing any parts.

Picture that clearly shows the sticker in question

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Which item in the picture is the sticker?


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Ok people I figured it out, the little sticker has everything to do with it, it's purpose is to connect the metal on the F strip to the metal on the back of the screen. I adjusted my sticker but it still didn't work at first because it was embedded with old sticky glue. So I scraped a little to get some metal on top instead of old blue, I then stuck a little piece of paper on the backside of the f strip to raise it up so that it smashes even tighter when it closes .it may not be a very professional fix but I can literally walk 25 feet away from my Bluetooth radio now. It wasn't working at all before.

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Want to trash your phone? Try this. Want to fix your WIFI / Bluetooth / GPS signal problem? Look elsewhere.


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I have same problems ago, But since I posted my experience and I read all the suggestions I finally found the solution after reading this thread: https://www.howtoisolve.com/ios-11-bluet...

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Had the same issue. Weak Bluetooth, weak wifi and very weak gps signal. Replaced the logic board antenna flex cable and no more problems. Ordered with ifixit. Took me about an hour as its quite fidly to do.

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Just want to add another success story.

Problem: Disconnecting from airpods when phone was positioned a certain way. And I was no longer getting a strong signal from the 2.4ghz network in my house.

Solution: Repositioned the sticker on my antenna. Now works beautifully.

Took out the two bottom screws, popped it open ( I have the suction cup tool), and used a plastic spudger to gently push the bronze sticker back so it was fully covering the metal section beneath. Turned it back on and poof! no more problems.

Good luck to those still having issues. Just know it's worth checking this sticker thing out before spending any money.

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This is for slammer-

Where exactly does the electrical tape spacer go when you open up the phone? Can you do it without unscrewing anything? Do you put it right on top of the rectangular “sticker” that seems to move out of place all the time. (Covers the brass plate). Or does the tape go underneath the f shaped antennae somehow? Thanks.

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Same question here, above where the foam should be or somehow slide under in the area of the bronze plate. A picture with the tape in please would be great. Thanks for your time.


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I have replace wifi F-antenna but still my WIFI/BLUETOOTH /GPS not working. I brought new antenna. Also in Mobile Wifi symbol is grayed out in settings, Bluetooth icon is enable but not finding any device from the setting, GPS get enable but not sure its working on not. where can not enable the WIFI. Can any one tell me where is the problem?

Let me know what can be other issues to bring my wifi back .

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I have lost the middle screw that holds the steel plate for the screen connectors.

What size is it and how can I get it ?

i was trying to reassemble and don’t ask my screw driver had a jerk of hand and the screw which was stuck to it flew away!

thank you

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