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Released online on January 16, 2009, the Inspiron 1545 is a 15.6" budget PC laptop available with 3 or 4 GB of RAM. It succeeded the Inspiron 1525.

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Why is my computer on but I can not see anything?

The computer is on but i can not see anything on the screen unless you hold a flashlight to it. It works perfectly fine when it is hooked up to a monitor . This started when I changed my screen after it cracked . After I changed it with a brand new LCD it never worked. I do not understand what is going on please help I do not want to get new laptop unless I have to because this one works just fine.

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Ashia Martin, sounds like a backlight inverter issues. The inverter for the back light is below the screen within the housing for the screen. If you replaced the screen assembly complete with housing you should contact the supplier since it is possible that you have a bad inverter. If you just replaced the LCD, you may have a failed backlight inverter. Of course, you do want to make sure that you plugged everything in as well.

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