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Repair information for the iMac G4.

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Installing airport in an iMac G4

I have an older G4 Imac All-In-One, running on OS X 10.3 currently, and I would like to install an airport card. I tried to use a USB wireless connection but am given an error code that the ethernet cable is not connected. Can some one help me hook up the vintage desktop Mac so I can get the internet?

Thank You

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Here's how to install an airport card in your machine: http://macs.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite...

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That's how it worked for me. +


Thank you very much! I've done the installation and it worked out great! You are awesome Mayer :0)


File not found on the server


Well the question and answer are 6 years old, follow the link below in the answer from Jason.


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updated link towards ifixit guide.

Installing iMac G4 15" 700 MHz EMC 1873 AirPort Card

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