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Guides for the LTE version of the iPad Mini 2. Announced October 22nd and released November 12th, 2013. The iPad mini 2, originally known as the iPad mini with Retina Display, has all the pixels of the iPad Air in a smaller 7.9" form factor.

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Does my ipad mini 2 LTE need both antenna to function?

I recently replaced the power button on my iPad mini 2 LTE, and in the process tore the cable connected to the right cellular antenna. and I was wondering if it was possible for the cellular functions of the iPad to still work with only one antenna?


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Please specify which connector is broken.

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the on that connects right beside the camera


Is it a round RF connector or a rectangular connector with several pins inside?


Not the round one. The rectangular one.


That's just the prox sensor connector, should not affect cellular connectivity.


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