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2.26 or 2.4 GHz / White plastic unibody enclosure

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The SMC is not resetting

Hi my macbook late 2009 with(Not removable battery) is not charging. I thought it was a bad battery problem so i bought a new battery installed it and still no charge. I can only turn it on with my MagSafe. So far i have tried removing and reinserting the battery and the the steps below but the light doesn't change color and the battery isn't still not recognized.

1.Shut down the computer.

2.Plug in the power adapter.

3.On the built-in keyboard, press the Shift, Control, and Option keys on the left side and the power button, all at the same time.

4.Release all three keys at the same time.

5.Turn on the computer.

I have tried to resett the PRAM which i was able to do and still nothing nada. I've looked up this problem online and other people have it but the solutions given are from apple website and are resetting the SMC which I have tried but can't seem to work I have checked to see if the keys (shift, control, option) work and they do. They just don't reset the SMC. (The light on the charger doesn't change).

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Sadly, it sounds like the charging circuit is damaged here. Not much you can do here with a SMC reset to fix this.

You'll need to get someone with board level repair skills to fix the logic board or replace it.

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Will replacing the logic board damage any of the files on it? Mainly I just want to get pics and videos off of MY computer with this issue. Have tried taking it to 1 person won said he couldn't retrieve info because the battery is dead.


@Sarah Huber - Your files are safe within your drive! Not on your logic board.


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What color is the magsafe when you plug it in?

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The magsafe is white and the light on it turns orange at first then in a few seconds green after being plugged in. The icon on menu bar says not charging.


Some sort of motherboard issue is causing this. The onewire circuit is the part of the board that transfers the energy current from the adapter to the battery to allow it to properly charge and is not uncommon to go out. You can replace the motherboard or outsource a board-level repair to get the issue fixed but on a white unibody it would probably be more cost effective to just purchase a new board. This can happen using power chargers that are "replacement adapters" and not original Apple chargers. Also can happen with an electrical surge. I wish you luck!


Hi Matt I managed to run the Apple Hardware Test and the results say that there is nothing wrong with the Mac no hardware problems whatsoever yet the problem still remains. "the battery can't charge" its not even telling me that the battery is not detected


Hi Cseka, Are you shure you used the right key combo to reset you SMC? I remember it was something involving plugging in and removing the powercord while powering on, but you have to google a bit to find the exact method.

Looking from another perspective, maybe your DC-in board is broken. Try to replace that or swap it out to test it. They are reasonably priced on ebay...

Good luck!


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I am having this same issue. There are some Firmware updates that you can download from the Apple site. Just look up SMCUpdate and find the one that matches with your model number on your Mac. Just download the right version and install that. These address some issues that may be present in older Macs that are using more modern charging units. Unfortunately for me, these updates won't work on my Mac. My system keeps rejecting it, saying that the computer doesn't need it. That's the source of my issue. The update is supposed to fix problems with power management and allocation, which may cause your older computer to not recognize the newer charger as a valid power source. Give it a try. These updates are supposed to automatically done, but older Macs are lacking in support. I don't believe that they always auto-update if they are old.

Hope it helps you, at least! :D

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