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Cobra 29 LTD Classic. 2-way 40 channel CB radio. Features antenna warning indicator, SWR calibration, instant Channel 9, PA capability, dimmer control, switchable noise blanker and RF gain.

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My rx/tx light turns red

When I key my mic the rx/tx light turns red. When I unkey it turns back green. I also cannot recieve anything coming in nor can I get out. Please let me know what you think

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Mine does the same thing but no antenna light


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Your tx/rx light should turn red when you transmit and be green all other times. Your ant light should not light up unless the swr is higher than 3.0; then there is a problem. A common reason for the ant light to light up is that the antenna is not grounded properly.

Check out this page from Firestik for more information on swr and cb's.

If your ant light is on when you transmit, stop using the radio and fix the swr. You will ruin the radio.

Good luck and enjoy your cb radio!

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the green light is suppose to be on whe cb is turned on .and red when keyed up.


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first thing first, check the antenna RF cable

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Mine does the same thing but my ant does not light up when i key the mic.


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My RX/TX turns red when I transmit as expected, Have no problem transmitting or receiving, My SWR as Advertised and Antenna light stays off, RX/RT light is green until transmit, Make sure that NB-ANL/ANL OFF

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From what I was reading the NB-ANL/ANL help filter out the noise from the ignition system and other working parts of the vehicle that give off background noise. So, why do I turn this off??

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I wouldn’t turn off the NB/ANL. It filters out a lot of noise.


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Ok sorry don't have an answer I have another question, my rx/tx red when I key up like it's supposed to, but I have mine on cal to calibrate it but the needle doesn't move to cal ... it doesn't move at all for that matter ... what gives !!?

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To calibrate it you have to have it on ch 1 and ch 40

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Check to ensure that you have selected "CB" and not "PA" on the face of the radio. If the radio is older, or has been mobile for some period of time, you may want to maneuver this switch back and forth a few times just in case it's has fallen prey to an internal contaminant.

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