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The PlayStation 3 Slim is the second version of the PS3 video game console with the original model number CECH-2000. Produced by Sony Computer Entertainment it fixed many issues of the original (fat) Playstation 3. It was released on September 1, 2009.

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Why wont my second usb port work

When I try to charge my controllers, it wont charge. I did not spill anything. How do I fix this?

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Probably just need a bit of cleaning. usually we have our game stations parked neatly on the shelf, without enough free space around for proper airflow. Even if we do so dust is our unavoidable "friend" and especially dark inviting holes of USB connectors are favourite place to rest.

Use some strong flashlight and inspect USB post. Use toothpick and clean all possible dirt out of it. Usually this does the trick. Further on is possible physical damage of contacts ( check if they are touching eachother or some are missing. In that case you will have to find somebody to replace them.

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