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Powers down but restarts self


I have an iMac 2 GHz PowerPC G5

it will just shut off I get the black screen then I here the start up chime and it comes back up.

I took it apart and blew out all of the dust to see if it maybe this would help.

I downloaded a program called Temperature Monitor to see if it is getting to hot and just powering down then rebooting itself.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this problem!



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I have the same computer and virtually the same problem. I took our computer with us to the Mac Store at Pacific Centre in Vancouver BC. The tech said since the computer was over 5 years old and couldn't run a scan on it. He said it was probably the 'logic board' and wasn't worth fixing.

He did offer to sell us a new computer and transfer our files for free. My suggestion is to do what we did, buy another brand and threaten to throw it into the garbage. Actually, when we returned from Vancouver, it shuts down much less often than before (it got to be about every 10 minutes at one point) but I guess we are now using our new computer much more and our Mac is only a back up.

It is likely the last one we will ever buy.

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Thanks for the advice but I'm a Mac girl through and through so I won't buy another brand unless it is a Mac! It hasn't been doing the shutting itself off stunts anymore. But she does have something going on..

I backed up all of my files just incase!




Okay, well I had to break down and take my iMac in and it was a simple fix!!!

It was the power source had to be replaced for $125.00! wasn't the logic board! yeah! So, if your iMac was doing what mine was please don't just chuck it! try replacing the power source.



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