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Laptop is not boot bios and. the screen is black.

asus g751JY

Yesterday, i upddate my laptop bios and when i restart it not boot bios and the screen is black. Is there any way to install a bios or recovery because the screen black and it is not boot bios. What should i do with this. laptop? I lived in Bangalore

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Sorry for the long delay.

You can reboot bios using a usb (fat format) whit the bios renamed with .ini and boot with keys ctrl+home and then you can push the power button. Is like a "pre bios" :)

In this way you can also update your bios.

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Your answer may be clear to some but not to me. My screen is black. I have to pic on and I pushed the control and home button together then hit on button. I still have a black screen. Am I doing this wrong?

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You have to prepare a usb (format this on fat) and put the last bios renamed with the extension .ini

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Agree with previous poster.

Put the Yellow Biosfile on an USBdrive.

Boot rainbow mode and you should be good to go.

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