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The second generation HTC One—dubbed the HTC One (M8)—features a dual flash and the new Sense 6 UI, and was released March 25, 2014.

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Glue screen back to body.

Hi guys. Some weeks ago I noticed that the screen of my htc m8 is separating from the body. If I put pressure on screen it goes back to original position but as soon as I stop putting pressure it goes back up.

Is there a way to just put glue under the screen and let it one day under pressure of some books and it would stay on the right position?

This is what happens:



The body is not bent and I never dropped this phone. I just noticed it someday looking it from its side.

Thanks in advance.

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Have you had it repaired anywhere else? Could be the double sided adhesive weakening.

You shouldn't really use super glue or anything like that really, as it could go in to places you don't want it, but you can try if you want a cheap and temporary fix.

As for books on top of it, probably will work, clamps are easier though.

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I think i will just buy this adhesive or take it to a repair shop, the big problem is that HTC do not have repair shops here in Brazil.

But i will try if someone have this adhesive and know how to apply.

Is possible to see this grey adhesive in the photos and in ifixit teardown, but you can access it only after tearing the device apart. i hope there is a easy way to fix it.


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