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Can you buy titanium sim ejectors?

Seriously my crew tears destroys 10 of these a day. I want one made Adamantium but real life hasn't caught up to the comics on this one yet. I'm going to weld these suckers onto Katana hilts so they don't get lost either.

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Mmm... Interesting idea!

The best one I've seen is the one Apple created out of their Liquid Metal that came in the early versions of the iPhone.

Maybe you can find a someone near you who is a tool & die maker that can fashion up a better tool. I was thinking something like a sewing thimble with a pin at the tip. I'm sure you can find a few others who wished for a better tool by posting something on a Go Fund Me site.

Good Luck!

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Yeah, we actually have a metal fabricator in house if I wanted to get silly with it. For now buying lots of 250 at .04 a pop is probably going to be how I roll for now.


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