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GSM iPad 2 with 16, 32, or 64 GB of storage, and a Dual Core A5 Processor. Model Number A1396. Repair is complicated and requires heat and prying.

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iPad2 16 GB Screen blank. Cannot boot.

iPad2 16 GB not booting.

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jttowner, what have you tried? did anything happen to the iPad? Have you charged it on a proper charger?


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Try a new charger & cord, look for visible damage to the charge port or corrosion. Do a hard reset, hold power and home button at the same time. The Apple logo should pop up after about 10-20 sec.

If all that doesn't work you would need to disassemble the iPAD and disconnect the battery for about one minute and then reconnect. You can have a local repair shop do this for you if your not comfortable.

If that doesn't work there is a board level issue and it might not be economical to repair.

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jttowner будет вечно благодарен.
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