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The second generation HTC One—dubbed the HTC One (M8)—features a dual flash and the new Sense 6 UI, and was released March 25, 2014.

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Charging slow/all chargers have to sit a particular way?

I have an HTC One M8 Harman/Kardon Edition. It's not even 6 months old. It charges extremely slowly when it will accept the charger. I try to only use the factory charger for it but even that has went into "slow charge" mode. On top of that, no matter which charger I use, the charger has to be sitting a certain way or it will not charge and I know the chargers are just fine because my boyfriend has the same phone as me and the same charger and he has tried every charger that I have without any issues. I'm pretty sure I need to replace the charging port, however I wanted to get someone's opinion as well as an estimated cost before I decide if I should just use my insurance to get a new one or just get the charger port replaced.

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Hi Danie,

You should still be under warranty if you have only had the phone 6 months, have you tried contacting HTC about it? They may repair it for free or replace the handset? As long as there isn't any visable damage, or the phone doesn't look like it's been dropped a ton of times, you should be able to do that.

If not, charging port replacement for the M8 isn't all that expensive, I myself charge £25 for fitting a new charging port, so the repair shops near you should be similarly priced.

Although if replacing the charging port doesn't solve the slow charging, it could be a further issue with the phone. :-)

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