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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это маленькая версия iPhone 6 Plus с 4.7-дюймовым экраном.

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OEM or Third Party Screen iPhone 6?

Hi all.

Could anyone tell me whether this is an OEM or generic third party screen.



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That is not oem. Mostly you can tell because the apple logo isn't on the cables. If you use a little isopropyl alcohol that barcode will come right off

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It looks a little used, as far as for an orginal look for the apple logo on the cables, if you bought this its most likley not made by apple

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I bought an iPhone online for a project to repair the screen. This is the original screen. I'm curious if this was a genuine oem or a third party because to me it doesn't look OEM. Seems like it has been repaired before if this is the screen the phone came with.


Also the camera and prox brackets look like they are missing.


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