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Второе поколение iPhone. Модель A1241; 8 или 16 ГБ памяти; с черной или белой задней пластиковой крышкой. Ремонт проще, чем первого iPhone. Требует отвертки и инструментов для вскрытия.

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dead battery + open I boot = no ios

hey guys i have a iphone 3g that has open i boot and a dead battery.

So my problem is that it wont boot to ios.But it can boot to the console and android,android kinda dosent work it works for 10 secs and it reboots.

I tried 2 amp no luck. pls help can i do something throgh the console or remove open i boot using a pc please answer. I havw win8,1 pro btw

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You can definitely restore the device in DFU mode, but it probably wont help (it may even get stuck).

You are going to need to replace the battery. Make sure you do so with a 3G battery, as the 3GS battery looks the same but is different and will cause a similar issue

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