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Компания Apple представила iPhone 5s 10 сентября 2013 года. Ремонт данного устройства схож с предыдущими моделями, требующий отвертки и инструменты для вскрытия. Доступен в версиях GSM или CDMA; с 16, 32 или 64 ГБ памяти; в цветах: Серебристый, Золотой и «Серый космос».

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iPhone 5s Battery drains fast, motherboard issue

I have an iphone 5S with battery problems, the battery drains fast even if the phone is in rest mode. Ι changed battery but does not seem to work so i think that the problem is in other part of the phone, then i tried to test all the phone parts, i removed the charging port, removed the lcd and and i left the phone for some hours and i saw that in this case the battery drains fast two. About 10% in an hour. I think the problem is in the motherboard, i would appreciate if someone could help me how to check the motherboard and what to do. Thank you so much

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Выбранное решение

Do you have an external DC PSU that you can power the phone from? If you do you can measure the current draw of the phone.

Also, if you have a Mac, search for a program called "coconut battery" it will help you diagnose whether your battery is in need of replacing.

I have also found that more often than not, when you replace a battery on a 5S, you also have to restore the phone - and no back-ups allowed.

Those are some things to consider before you just dive into the motherboard

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I replaced the U2 ic, i was very carefull i thought i made good job but after this iphone stuck to apple logo. But iam sure i made great job, no other capacitor removed near U2 ic and i lined the chip perfect. Maybe the chip i bought is low quality and does not work. Do you know any site to buy high quality chip?

itunes does not regognize the phone any more


Also for info the windows version is pretty much called 3UTools.


@benjamen50 I'm starting to think you have stock in 3uTools ;>).

Kidding or course...I tried so many different tools but I agree that 3uTools is the best.


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