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My nextbook ares 10.1 is charging REALLY slow, it takes days, help?

so, when i was charging my tablet i rotated the cord and heard a pop. ever since that in order for me to get it to charge, i have to bend the cord around just to get it to charge and when it does, it takes days to get a full charge. I also bought a new charger and same results.

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That pop sound was more than likely a short somewhere in the charging circuit. I am surprised it still charges at all. The nextbook will need to be opened up in order to find the culprit, probably a resistor or something popped from the short. If you are not familiar with soldering microboards and similar, consult an electronics repair shop or the manufacturer for repairs.

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I just purchased a Nextbook and connected it to charge. It has been connected for 2 hrs, the light remains red, however I can not turn it on, why?

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