Display Flickers, then goes black and displays SDCARD MODE

My son uses this thing a lot, every day. It developed a problem where the display would flicker, go black and then would display SDCARD MODE in the upper left corner, in red, with Volume down = download mode and Volume Up = Normal Boot underneath. But neither option worked I had to wait until the battery died, then on recharge it would boot normally, work for a while, then flicker and repeat.

I took it to a local shop which tried the power switch/volume up-down switch assembly, but that did not help. Samsung wants a $330 hold to look at it - I suspect a motherboard, but any other thoughts? I suppose the motherboard has a built-in GPU, and if I'm careful I can replace it? I've worked on my own PC's plenty, but I have never tried a tablet - when you get older, close work is tougher.

If I could stand a good chance of resurrecting this for an $80 MB and some eye-crossing close work, it would be great!

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Been fiddling with it (back off), not much flicker. If I stay out of camera, internet or Google Earth, flicker is much less. But S-Pen is not drawing in the correct place for two different apps. Finger touched seem to be correct anywhere on the screen.


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