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How to fix usb short on Asus M50Vm laptop?

I shorted out my usb port by plugging in a cord with a short. My laptop shut off and wouldn't power up.

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Выбранное решение

Unplug power supply and all peripherals, remove battery, and hold down the power button for ten seconds. Replace battery, and plug in power supply. Power up.

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I was skeptical but this worked like a miracle. An old laptop but not ready to give up on it yet, I'm realieved there was a safety feature which worked. Thank you so much for posting.


I forgot to say it's an Asus UL50VT.


Worked perfect with ASUS R510C 25/06/2018. Thanks for the tip, I kinda remember this was the solution back in the day , still works today.


Worked great on x550C. Thanks.


Thank you so much for your help


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Worked for me too!!


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I did the same short circuit by mistakenly using headset cord as the USB port is very close to headset port. Bad design issue. Unplug all cables and power up after some minutes fix the issue. Thank God.


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