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Announced in March 2015 and released April 10, 2015, the Galaxy S6 Edge is the curved-screen version of Samsung's newest flagship smartphone.

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GPS Problems - Not accurate

Hi! I'm new here, so I am not sure how this works. My Galaxy S6 Edge got wet 3 weeks ago. It wasn't anything big and after 1-2 hours in rice it works fine. The only thing (and I am not sure if it got something to do with this) is that the GPS is not working correctly. When I try to use Maps App, it is not accurate. I've done everything I read, even did a factory reset, but the problems continues. I downloaded another navigation app but I received a message that the GPS is not accurate. I wonder if there is any other thing I could do or if this is something that can be fix if I take the phone to a repair store.

Thank you!

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Use the Power Button to fix the GPS / W-LAN Problem.

Press and hold the Powerbutton more than 10 seconds.

After the reboot works your smartphone without the GPS Problem.

or try it with the Google Play Store App " GPS Status -Test & Fix

You have to delete the A GPS Data first on the left side and then push the right button ( app is in german)

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Ensure the GPS accuracy is set to high in settings.

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