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How do I get my headphones unstuck from my headphone jack?

The tip of my headphone cord (i.e. the portion that's inserted) broke off and is stuck in my headphone jack. Is there any way for me to fix this without bringing my computer into the shop? (It's really stuck in there.) Thanks very much!

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Your best bet is to remove the topcase and see if you can push it out from behind the headphone jack. Use this guide to remove the TOPCASE.

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The middle metal brace on the back of the port can be pulled out about a quarter of an inch to help getting to the tip.


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i use this method on macbooks, but i cant see why it wont work for most devices either..

use a paperclip with a plastic coating, straighten it out, place a very, very small dab of super glue on the end, (very small dab, to much and it will run inside the jack and ur screwed)insert the paper clip and make contact with the broken piece of headphone, hold it in place for a few mins.. be careful not to move the paperclip with the very small amount of glue on it or it may not bond... after a few mins of holding it in place it should stiffen up to the point where you can let it go and it will stay in place.. wait like 10mins more for a stronger bond then pull the clip straight out along with the broken headphone piece. (i work in a school, and have used this method numerous times with success every time)

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How do I do it with an iPad mini

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Here's the magic tool you need: GripStick We have a few and they work like a charm to remove any broken headphone plug from the jack.


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